What are the classifications of books?

Overview of China Library Classification

The so-called book classification is a means to reveal the collected books according to the subject nature or other characteristics of the book content and organize them according to different categories. Book classification is a classification system that organizes many categories according to certain principles, and represents categories at all levels through markers and has a fixed order. It is the basis for the library to collect and reveal the collected documents. The documents in our library are classified and arranged according to China Library Classification. The categories of China Library Classification are as follows:


I Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory.

Philosophy, religion

Introduction to social science

Politics, law

E military

F economy

G. Culture, science, education and sports

H. Language and writing

I. Literature

J art

History, geography

Introduction to natural science

Mathematical science and chemistry

P astronomy, earth science

Q bioscience

Medicine and health

American agricultural science


U transportation

V. Aviation and aerospace

X. Environmental Science and Safety Science

Z comprehensive books

I Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory.

A 1 works of Marx and Engels

A 1 1 anthology and anthology

A 12 single-line works

A 13 Collection of letters, diaries, correspondence and dialogues

A 14 poetry

A 15 handwriting

A 16 thematic compilation

A 18 quotation

A2 Lenin's works

A3 Stalin's Works

A4 Mao Zedong's Works

A49 Deng Xiaoping's Works

A collection of works by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping.

The life and biographies of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping.

A8 Studying and researching Marxism–Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory.

Philosophy, religion

B0 philosophy theory

B 1 world philosophy

B2 China's philosophy

B3 Asian philosophy

B4 African philosophy

B5 European philosophy

B6 Oceania philosophy

B7 American philosophy

B80 thinking science

B8 1 logic (logic)

B82 Ethics (Moral Philosophy)

B83 aesthetics

B84 psychology

B9 Religion

Introduction to social science

C0 Social Science Theory and Methodology

C 1 current situation and development of social sciences

C2 Social Science Institutions, Groups and Conferences

C3 Social Science Research Methods

C4 Social Science Education and Popularization

C5 social science series, anthology and series of publications

C6 social science reference books

[C7] Social Science Literature Retrieval Reference Books

C8 statistics

C9 1 sociology

C92 demography

C93 management science

[C94] System Science

C95 ethnology

C96 talent science

C97 labor science

Politics, law

D0 political theory

D 1 International Production Movement

Producer of China * * *

D33/37 * * Producers in various countries

D4 Workers, peasants, youth and women's movements and organizations

D5 World Politics

D6 Politics in China

D73/77 national politics

D8 Diplomacy and International Relations

D9 law

D90 method (law) theory

D9 1 Legal Department

D92 Laws of China

D93/97 National laws

D99 international law

E military

E0 military theory

E 1 world military

E2 China Military

E3/7 Military affairs of various countries

E8 strategy, military service, Science of Tactics.

E9 military technology

E99 Military Topography and Military Geography

F economy

F0 economics

F0-0 Marxist Political Economy (General)

F0 1 Basic Problems of Economics

Mode of production in pre-capitalist society

F03 mode of production in capitalist society

F04 Mode of production in socialist society

F05 *** Mode of production in capitalist society

F06 branch of economics

F08 Economics of all disciplines

F09 History of Economic Thought

F 1 Economic survey, economic history and economic geography of all countries in the world

F 1 1 world economy and international economic relations

China Economy +02

F 13/ 17 national economy

F2 Economic planning and management

F20 National Economic Management

F2 1 economic plan

F22 methods of economic calculation and economic mathematics

F23 accounting

F239 audit

F24 labor economy

F25 material economy

F27 enterprise economy

F28 Capital construction economy

F29 City and Municipal Economy

F3 agricultural economy

F4 industrial economy

F49 Information Industry Economy (General)

F5 transportation economy

F59 Tourism Economy

F6 post and telecommunications economy

F7 trade economy

F7 1 domestic trade and economy

F72 China's domestic trade economy

F73 Domestic Trade and Economy in the World

F74 World Trade

F75 Foreign trade of various countries

F76 commodity science

F8 Finance and Finance

F8 1 Finance and State Finance

F82 currency

F83 Finance and Banking

F84 insurance

G. Culture, science, education and sports

G0 cultural theory

G 1 culture and cultural undertakings of all countries in the world

G2 Information and knowledge dissemination

G3 Science and scientific research

G4 education

G64 higher education

G8 sports

H. Language and writing

H0 linguistics

H 1 Chinese

H 1 1 voice

H 12 philology

H 13 Semantics, Vocabulary and Meaning (Exegetics)

H 14 grammar

H 15 Writing and Rhetoric

H 159 translation

H 16 word book, dictionary, dictionary

H 17 dialect

H 19 Chinese teaching

H2 China Minority Languages

H3 Common foreign languages

H3 1 English

H32 French

H33 German

H34 Spanish

H35 Russian

H36 Japanese

H37 Arabic

H4 Sino-Tibetan language family

H5 Altaic language family (Turkic-Mongolian-Tungusic language family)

H6 1 South Asian language family (North Asian language family)

H62 South Indian language family (Dehlavi Dian language family, Dravida language family)

H63 Austronesian family (Malaya-Polynesian)

H64 Northeast Asian Language

H65 Caucasian family (Ibero-Caucasian family)

H66 Uralic (Finnish-Ugric)

H67 Semite-Asian Language Family (Afro-Asian Language Family)

H7 Indo-European family

H8 1 African languages

H83 American language

H84 Oceania language

H9 international auxiliary words

I. Literature

I0 literary theory

I 1 world literature

I2 China literature

I200 policy and its formulation

I206 Literary Criticism and Research

I207 Various Literary Criticism and Research

I209 History of Literature and History of Literary Thought

I2 1 portfolio

I22 Poetry and verse

I23 Dramatic Literature

I239 Quyi

I24 novel

I25 reportage

I26 prose

I269 miscellaneous

I27 Folk Literature

I28 Children's Literature

I29 Minority Literature

I299 religious documents

I3/7 National Literature

J art

J0 Art Theory

J 1 overview of world art

J2 painting

J29 Calligraphy and Seal Cutting

JBOY3 sculpture

J4 photography art

J5 arts and crafts

[J59] Architectural Art

J6 music

J7 dance

J8 Drama Art

J9 movie and television art

History, geography

K0 historical theory

K 1 world history

K2 History of China

K3 Asian history

K4 African history

K5 European history

K6 History of Oceania

K7 American history

K8 1 Biography

K85 Cultural Relics Archaeology

K89 customs and habits

K9 geography

K90 geography

K9 1 World Geography

K92 Geography of China

K93/97 National Geographic

K99 map

Introduction to natural science

Theory and method of natural science

Present situation and development of natural science

N2 Natural Science Institutions, Groups and Conferences

N3 natural science research methods

N4 Natural Science Education and Popularization

N5 natural science series, anthologies and serial publications

N6 natural science reference books

[N7] Natural Science Literature Retrieval Tool

N8 Natural Science Investigation and Investigation

N9 1 Natural Science Research and Natural History

N93 nonlinear science

N94 system science

N94 1 Systematics and Modern System Theory

N945 system engineering

Application of N949 System Science in Various Aspects

[N99] Information Science and Information Work

Mathematical science and chemistry

O 1 mathematics

O 1-0 mathematical theory

O 1-8 calculation tool

O 1 1 classical mathematics

O 1 19 China mathematics

O 12 elementary mathematics

O 13 advanced mathematics

O 14 Mathematical Logic and Mathematical Basis

O 15 algebra, number theory, combinatorial theory

O 17 mathematical analysis

O 18 geometry and topology

O 19 power system theory

O2 1 Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics

Research on O22 Operation

O23 Cybernetics and Information Theory (Mathematical Theory)

O24 computational mathematics

O29 applied mathematics

O3 mechanics

O3 1 Theoretical Mechanics (General Mechanics)

O32 vibration theory

O33 continuum mechanics (deformation mechanics)

O34 solid mechanics

O35 fluid mechanics

O369 physical mechanics

O37 rheology

O38 explosion mechanics

O39 Applied Mechanics

O4 physics

O4 1 Theoretical Physics

O42 acoustics

O43 optical element

O44 electromagnetism, electrodynamics

O45 radio physics

O46 Vacuum Electronics (Electronic Physics)

O469 condensed matter physics

O47 semiconductor physics

O48 solid state physics

O5 1 low-temperature physics

O52 high pressure and high temperature physics

O53 plasma physics

Thermodynamic theory of O55 and molecular motion of matter

O56 molecular physics, atomic physics

O57 Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics

O59 applied physics

O6 chemistry

O6 1 inorganic chemistry

O62 organic chemistry

O63 Polymer Chemistry (Polymer)

O64 physical chemistry (theoretical chemistry), chemical physics

O65 analytical chemistry

O69 applied chemistry

O7 crystallography

P astronomy, earth science

P 1 astronomy

P2 drawing

P3 Geophysics

P3 1 Earth (Rock) Physics

P33 Hydrological Science (Hydrophysics)

P35 space physics

P4 Atmospheric Science (Meteorology)

P5 geology

P5 1 dynamic geology

P52 paleontology

P53 Historical Geology and Stratigraphy

P54 structural geology

P55 geomechanics

P56 regional geology

P57 mineralogy

P58 Petrology

P59 geochemistry

P6 1 mineralogy

P62 Geological and Mineral Survey and Exploration

P64 Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology


[P66] Environmental Geology

[P67] Marine Geology

P68 Cosmic Geology

P69 1 planetary geology

P692 disaster geology

P7 Oceanography

P7 1 marine survey and observation

P72 Regional Oceanography

P73 marine basic science

P74 Marine Resources and Development

P75 Ocean Engineering

[P76] Marine environmental science

[P77] Diving Medicine

[P79] Military Oceanography

P9 Physical Geography

P90 general theory and method

P9 1 Mathematical Geography

[P92] Paleogeography

P93 Department of Physical Geography

P94 Regional Physical Geography

[P95 1] environmental geography

[P954] Disaster Geography

P96 Natural Resources Science

[P97] Geographical exploration and discovery

P98 Physical Geographic Map

Q bioscience

Q 1 general biology

Q2 cell biology

Q3 genetics

Q4 physiology

Q5 biochemistry

Q6 biophysics

Q7 molecular biology

Q8 1 bioengineering (biotechnology)

[Q89] Environmental Biology

Q9 1 paleontology

Q93 Microbiology


Q95 Zoology

Q96 entomology

Q98 Anthropology

Medicine and health

R 1 preventive medicine and hygiene

R2 China Medicine

R3 basic medicine

R4 clinical medicine

R5 internal medicine

R6 surgery

R7 1 obstetrics and gynecology

R72 Pediatrics

R73 Oncology

R74 neurology and psychiatry

R75 Dermatology and Venereology

R76 Otolaryngology

R77 ophthalmology

R78 stomatology

R79 Foreign Ethnic Medicine

R8 Special Medicine

R9 pharmacy

American agricultural science

S 1 basic agricultural science

S2 agricultural engineering

S3 Agronomy (Agronomy)

S4 Plant protection

S5 crop

S6 gardening

S7 forestry

S8 Animal husbandry, animal medicine, hunting, silkworm, bee

S9 Aquatic products and fisheries


TB general industrial technology

TB 1 basic engineering science

TB2 engineering design and surveying and mapping

TB3 Engineering Materials Science

General technology and equipment for TB4 industry

TB5 acoustic engineering

TB6 refrigeration engineering

TB7 vacuum technology

TB8 photography technology

TB9 measurement

TD mining engineering

TD 1 mine geology and survey

TD2 Mine Design and Construction

TD3 Mine Pressure and Support

TD4 mining machinery

TD5 Mine Transportation and Equipment

TD6 Mining Electrician

TD7 Mine Safety and Labor Protection

TD8 mining

TD9 beneficiation

Comprehensive utilization of TD98 mineral resources

TE oil and gas industry

TE0 energy and energy saving

TE 1 petroleum and natural gas geology and exploration

TD2 drilling engineering

Development and production of TD3 oil and gas field

TD4 oil and gas field construction project

TD5 Offshore Oil and Gas Field Exploration and Development

TD6 Oil and gas processing industry

TD8 oil and gas storage and transportation

TD9 Petroleum Machinery Equipment and Automation

[TD99] Environmental Protection and Comprehensive Utilization of Oil and Gas Industry

TF metallurgical industry

TF0 general questions

TF 1 metallurgical technology

TF3 Metallurgical Machinery and Metallurgical Production Automation

TF4 Iron and Steel Metallurgy (ferrous metal smelting) (General)

TF5 ironmaking

TF6 ferroalloy smelting

TF7 steelmaking

TF79 Smelting of Other Ferrous Metals

TF8 nonferrous metal smelting

Metallurgy and metal technology

TG 1 metallurgy and heat treatment

TG2 casting

TG3 metal pressure working

TG4 Welding, Metal Cutting and Metal Bonding

TG5 Metal Cutting and Machine Tool

TG7 tools, abrasives, abrasives, fixtures, molds and hand tools.

TG8 Tolerances and Technical Measurements and Mechanical Gauges

TG9 fitter technology and assembly technology

Machinery and instrument industry

TH 1 1 mechanics (basic theory of mechanical design)

TH 12 Mechanical Design, Calculation and Drawing

TH 13 mechanical parts and transmission devices

TH 14 materials for machinery manufacturing

TH 16 machinery manufacturing technology

TH 17 mechanical operation and maintenance

TH 18 Machinery Factory (Workshop)

TH2 Hoisting Machinery and Transportation Machinery

TH3 pump

TH4 gas compression and conveying machinery

TH6 special mechanical equipment

TH7 instrument

TJ weapon industry

TK energy and power industry

TL atomic energy technology

TM electrical technology

TM0 general problem

TM 1 Basic Theory of Electrical Engineering

TM2 electrical material

TM3 motor

TM4 transformer, converter and reactor

TM5 electrics

TM6 power generation and power plant

TM7 Power Transmission and Distribution Project, Power Grid and Power System

TM8 high pressure technology

TM9 1 Independent Power Supply Technology (Direct Power Generation)

TM92 Electrification and Electric Energy Application

TM93 Electrical Measurement Technology and Instrument

Radio electronics and telecommunications technology

TN0 general problem

TN 1 Vacuum Electronic Technology

TN2 Optoelectronic Technology and Laser Technology

TN3 semiconductor technology

TN4 microelectronics technology, integrated circuit

TN6 electronic components and assemblies

TN7 basic electronic circuit

TN8 radio equipment and telecommunication equipment

TN9 1 communication

TN92 wireless communication

TN93 broadcasting


TN95 radar

TN96 radio navigation

TN97 Electronic Countermeasures (Jamming and Anti-Jamming)

[TN98] Radio and Telecommunication Measurement Technologies and Instruments

Application of TN99 Radio Electronics

TP automation technology and computer technology

TP 1 basic theory of automation

TP2 Automation Technology and Equipment

TP3 computing technology, computer technology

TP30 general questions

TP3 1 computer software

TP3 1 1 Programming and Software Engineering

TP3 12 Programming Language and Algorithm Language

TP3 13 assembler

TP3 14 compiler and interpreter

TP3 15 Management Procedure and Management System

TP3 16 operating system

TP3 17 package (application software)

TP3 19 special application software

TP32 universal calculator and computer

TP33 electronic digital computer

TP34 electronic analog computer

TP35 hybrid electronic computer

TP36 microcomputer

TP37 multimedia technology and multimedia computer

TP38 other computers

Application of TP39 computer

TP39 1 information processing

TP392 various special databases

TP393 computer network

Application of TP399 in other fields

TP6 injection technology (flow control technology)

TP7 remote sensing technology

TP8 remote control technology

TQ chemical industry

Light industry and handicraft industry

Slaughterhouse science

TU 1 building basic science

TU 19 architectural survey

TU2 architecture design

TU3 building structure

TU4 Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering

TU5 building materials

TU6 construction machinery and equipment

TU7 building construction

TU8 house construction equipment

TU9 underground building

TU97 high-rise building

TU98 regional planning, urban and rural planning

TU99 municipal engineering

Television water conservancy project

U transportation

U 1 integrated transportation

U2 railway transportation

U4 road transportation

U6 waterway transportation

[U8] Air transport

V. Aviation and aerospace

V 1 Aerospace Technology Research and Exploration

V2 aviation

V4 Aerospace (Space Travel)

[V7] Aerospace Medicine

X. Environmental Science and Safety Science

X 1 basic theory of environmental science

X2 Society and Environment

X3 environmental protection management

X4 disaster and its prevention

X5 Environmental Pollution and Its Prevention

X7 Waste Treatment and Comprehensive Utilization

X8 Environmental Quality Assessment and Environmental Monitoring

X9 safety science

Z comprehensive books

Z 1 series

Z2 Encyclopedias and Books

Z3 dictionary

Z4 Prose, Complete Works, Selected Works and Essays

Z5 Yearbooks and Yearbooks

Z6 periodicals and serial publications

Z8 Book Contents, Abstracts and Indexes