I think this is a poem mourning for his wife Wang, and the first line is "respect". I watched the 50 stringed instruments played by Motome, and I was very moved. Zhuan Xu is a metaphor for his wife's death, which is compared with the tears of Zhuang Zhou, become a butterfly and Du Fu. The neckline is "magic", pearls cry for it, and Baoyu is sad for it; The end of the couplet is "love", love is gone, and memory is disconsolate!
Second, it is thought that this is the poet's recollection of the lost years. The first couplet is "Qi", which means fifty years of life and fifty strings of musical instruments; Compared with "bearing", life will come to an end unconsciously; The neckline is "turn", which is a metaphor for talent with pearls and jewels; The end of the couplet is "He", years make people old and everything is melancholy!
Jinse is one of the representative works of Li Shangyin, a poet in the Tang Dynasty.
Original text:
I want to know why my Jinse has fifty strings, and each string has a youthful interval. Zhuangzi daydreaming, a saint, was bewitched by butterflies, and cuckoo crowed in the imperial spring.
Mermaids shed pearl-like tears on the moon-green sea, and the blue fields breathed their jade to the sun. A moment that should last forever? Before I knew it, it had come and gone.
There are twenty-five strings in Thuben, but this poem was written after Li Shangyin's wife died, so fifty strings have the meaning of broken strings, but even so, every string and syllable of it is enough to express the yearning for that wonderful time. Zhuang Zhou actually knows that he is just a butterfly yearning for freedom. Wang Di's beautiful heart and behavior can move Du Fu.
The shadow of the bright moon on the sea turned into tears like pearls. Only then can Lantian in another place produce something as beautiful as smoke. Those beautiful things and years can only stay in memories. At that time, those people thought those things were just ordinary, but they didn't know how to cherish them.
This poem is one of Li Shangyin's most difficult works, and the poet has always lamented that "a Jin Se is difficult to understand". In the poem, the author recalls his childhood, feels sad about his misfortunes, entrusts himself with grief and indignation, and borrows a lot of allusions such as Zhuang Sheng's dream butterfly, Du Fu's tears, tears in the sea, and jade like smoke.
Through metaphor, association, imagination and other means, the auditory experience is transformed into visual images, and a hazy realm is created through the combination of fragment images, thus conveying its sincere, strong and profound thoughts with the help of visually perceptible poetic images. The whole poem is colorful, subtle and profound, sincere and touching.
Li Shangyin is talented and quick-thinking. He was admitted to a scholar in his early twenties. He was jealous of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and was not brushed off. Since then, he has never met his talent. In the "Niu Li Party Struggle", the two sides are in a dilemma, full of doubts, repeatedly rejected, and their ambitions are difficult to achieve. Losing his wife in middle age, expressing his feelings by writing poems, is despised by people.
This poem was written by the author in his later years, and there have always been different opinions about the creative intention of this poem "Jinse". Or think it's patriotic, or think it's a memorial to his dead wife, or think it's a theory of self-injury, or think it's a pen to express your thoughts and treat your children.
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