A lot, and it varies from person to person and from environment to environment. The following are some suggestions, hoping to attract more attention. A Short Fairy Tale-The Witty Xiaohua Mall One day, a little mouse came out of the mouse hole lazily. He suddenly found a smelly sock. But the mouse didn't know the smell and taste, just thought the socks smelled good, so he went in to see if there was anything to eat. However, as soon as he entered, he felt that his eyes were black and drummed, and he hurried around for help. Just then, Xiaohua Hua (cat) came to the socks refreshed. Xiaohua Mall was startled and cried, "Where did you get such a big caterpillar?" Hearing this, the little mouse proudly cocked its tail to show the kitten. The kitten got angry at first sight, but still sat quietly and waited. When the mouse came out completely, the little cat jumped on it and swallowed the mouse in one gulp. The kitten's mouth is full of sweetness and her heart is full of joy. Little crucian carp's wish:
A golden bird, tired and thirsty, fell from mid-air and landed on a lotus leaf. The green lotus leaf is like a big bed, and the birds are asleep on it. A big fly flew over and stopped on his eyelids, unconscious. A small crucian carp swam in the water, and it saw all this. "Oh, what a poor bird! If it doesn't wake up, it may die of thirst! " So, the small crucian carp beat the water with its tail. The water splashed on the lotus leaf, and a few drops of water jumped into the bird's mouth. The bird awoke from thirst. It flapped its wings, took a few sips of water and finally regained its energy.