Cao GUI's Debate ("Zuo Zhuan")
In the spring of ten years, the Qi army attacked me. The general fights. Please see Cao GUI. His countrymen said: "Meat-eaters plan for it, how can they do it?" GUI said: "Meat-eaters are despicable, and they cannot plan far." So he came to see him. Asked: "Why fight?" The Duke said: "If you have enough food and clothing, don't dare to focus on it. You must divide people." He said to him: "The small benefits are not everywhere, and the people will not follow." The Duke said: "I don't dare to sacrifice jade and silk. Yes, it must be based on faith." He said to him, "If you have little faith, you will be blessed by God." The public said, "Even if it is a small and big prison, it must be based on love." He said to him, "Loyalty can be the same." Fight. If you fight, please follow."
Fighting with a ladle. The general will encourage him. GUI said: "It's not possible." Qi people drummed three times. GUI said: "That's all right." The Qi army was defeated. The general will gallop to him. GUI said: "It's not possible." Looking down at the path, he climbed up to Shi and looked at it, saying: "It's possible." Then he chased Qi Shi.
Since it was defeated, the public asked why. He said: "Fighting requires courage. One burst of energy will be exhausted again, and three times it will be exhausted. I will be exhausted when I am full, so I can overcome it. It is difficult to predict a big country, and I am afraid of its dangers. I regard its path as chaotic, and hope that its flag will be swept away." , so chase it away.