(2) Novel: Balzac's "Human Comedy" is composed of 9 1 novel, which has shaped more than 2,400 characters, showing the social life of France in the early19th century, especially in exposing the evil of money in capitalist society, and is known as the "man is divided into three parts". Tolstoy's War and Peace has a strong sense of the times and reflects various problems after the reform of Russian serfdom. In this work, Tolstoy created a more mature form on the basis of traditional historical poetry novels and drama novels, and paid attention to reflecting the distinctive national style, thus achieving extraordinary artistic achievements.
(3) Drama: The pioneering work of the Absurd Drama is Beckett's Waiting for Godot, which has been touring all over the world since the birth of 1952. As a classic of the absurd, it is an unforgettable milestone in the history of world drama. It is called the first drama in France in the last hundred years.