What are the lyrics of the language of the sun?

Words of the Sun is a modern lyric poem.

In the words of the sun, Ai Qing regarded the sun as a symbol of light and hope, compared the closed, outdated and backward environment in which people lived at that time to a wooden house with the door closed, and called on the people to change the status quo and meet the light in the first person on behalf of the sun. Poetry poured out the sufferings of the nation, praised the battle of the motherland, filled with the breath of the times, aroused the people with full enthusiasm, devoted themselves to the struggle to save the nation from extinction, changed the status quo and opened up a bright future for China.

The words of the sun

Ai Qing

Open your window,

Open your boarding gate,

Let me in, let me in,

Go to your cabin.

I brought a bunch of golden flowers,

I carry the fragrance of the forest,

There is light and heat,

I am covered with dew.

Get up, get up,

Lift your head from the pillow,

Open your eyelashes,

Let your eyes see me coming.

Let your hearts be like cabins,

Open their long-closed windows,

Let me put the bouquet, the fragrance, the lights,

Warmth and dew fill the space of your hearts.