Wang Mian night reading
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Wang Mian is from Zhuji. When he was seven or eight years old, his father ordered Niu to go to school and sneak into the school to listen to the students' endorsements; Listen to yourself and learn from your memory. At dusk, I forgot my cow, and my father angered me. As good as ever. Mother said, "My son is so stupid that he doesn't listen to anything?" Because the crown is gone, I live by the monk temple. At night, I dive out and sit on the Buddha's lap. I will read with an ever-burning lamp. Buddha statues are full of clay figures, which are hideous and outrageous; Guaner, if you don't know.
Wang Mian is from Zhuji County. When he was seven or eight years old, his father told him to herd cattle on the ridge, and he sneaked into the school to listen to the students. After listening, I always remember it silently. When he came home at night, he forgot all the cows he was grazing. Wang Mian's mother was furious and gave Wang Mian a good beating. After that, he was still like this. His mother said, "The child is so obsessed with reading, why not let him?" Wang Mian left home and stayed in a temple. At night, he sneaked out and sat on the Buddha's lap, holding a book in his hand. By the light of the ever-burning lamp in front of the Buddha, the sound of reading was read until dawn. Most of the Buddha statues are clay sculptures, all of which are ferocious and frightening. Child as Wang Mian is, he doesn't seem to see it.
Wang Mian painted lotus flowers.
There was a great painter named Wang Mian in the Ming Dynasty, who was best at drawing lotus flowers. Many people came from far away to get his lotus painting.
Although Wang Mian was famous, he was poor when he was a child. He has to herd cattle for others during the day and study by himself at night. One day, when Wang Mian was herding cattle by the lake, it suddenly began to rain. The rain stopped for a while, but the lotus and lotus leaves in the lake were washed clean by the rain. Wang Mian liked it so much that he wanted to draw it, so he quickly used his pocket money to buy paper and pens and began to draw. At first, of course, the painting was not very good, but Wang Mian didn't get angry, so he continued to paint. Finally, the painting became more and more similar, just like the real thing. Wang Mian sold the lotus and took the money home to honor his mother. Because Wang Mian painted lotus flowers very well, many people rushed to buy them, so his environment gradually improved and he stopped herding cattle for others. At the same time, his fame spread far and wide, and he eventually became a famous great painter in China.
Wang Mian studies.
original text
Wang Mian is from Zhuji. When he was seven or eight years old, his father ordered Niu to go to school and sneak into the school to listen to the students' endorsements; Listen to yourself and learn from your memory. At dusk, I forgot my cow, and my father angered me. As good as ever. Mother said, "My son is so stupid that he doesn't listen to anything?" Because the crown is gone, I live by the monk temple. At night, I dive out and sit on the Buddha's lap. I will read with an ever-burning lamp. Buddha statues are full of clay figures, which are hideous and outrageous; Guaner, if you don't know.
Koreans in Anyang have different personalities. They are recorded as disciples and studied as Confucian scholars. Sexual death, personal crown, in fact. When his father died, he raised his mother when she went to town. After a long time, Simu returned to her hometown, bought a cow and drove the mother car, which was taken away by Gu Guan. The children in the village scrambled to build the road and smiled, and so did the crown.
Wang Mian is from Zhuji County. When he was seven or eight years old, his father told him to herd cattle on the ridge, and he sneaked into the school to listen to the students. After listening, I always remember it silently. When he came home at night, he forgot all the cows he was grazing. Wang Mian's father was furious and gave Wang Mian a good beating. After that, he was still like this. His mother said, "The child is so obsessed with reading, why not let him?" Wang Mian left home and stayed in a temple. At night, he sneaked out and sat on the Buddha's lap, holding a book in his hand. By the light of the ever-burning lamp in front of the Buddha, the sound of reading was read until dawn. Most of the Buddha statues are clay sculptures, all of which are ferocious and frightening. Child as Wang Mian is, he doesn't seem to see it.
Han Xing, an Anyang native, was amazed when he heard about this man, so he was accepted as an apprentice, and Wang Mian's bachelor would soon be able to learn Confucianism. After Han Xing's death, the owner of Han Xing treated the crown like Han Xing. At that time, Wang Mian's father had passed away, so Wang Mian took his mother to Yuecheng to raise her. After a long time, my mother was going back to her hometown. Wang Mian bought cows and built a car for her mother, and put on ancient clothes and followed. The children in the village gathered on both sides of the road to laugh, and Wang Mian himself smiled.
In short, my family is poor and I study hard.