Nehemiah 1-3; Psalm 24

Nehemiah 1-3

The third chapter of Nehemiah records the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem by the people of Judah. Among them, there are detailed records of the specific people and the construction work they were responsible for. Each of these Judahites recorded in the Bible took on a part of the rebuilding work and completed the work of rebuilding the city wall together reasonably.

Perhaps each of the Jewish people who participated in the reconstruction work only did a part of the work within their ability, but God remembers the work of each of them and remembers the contribution of each of them. Therefore, even if the spiritual work we do is very insignificant, God will definitely remember us. Thank you Lord!

Psalm 24

God is the God who created heaven and earth. The world created by God is like a sanctuary in which God is present. We are also a sanctuary created by God. We look up to God and open ourselves to welcome God’s presence with us. Thank you Lord!

Inspirational verses:

I answered them, "The God of heaven will make us prosper. We, His servants, will rise up and build; but you have no share in Jerusalem. "Without power or remembrance" (Nehemiah 2:20)

Let him raise his head, O gates! Eternal portals, you will be lifted up! The King of glory is coming in.

(Psalm 24:7)