Can you give me some English lyrics of hymns?
Christmas English poetry: nbsp angels nbsp. BynbspSallynbspMeyernbsp(c)nbsp。 1997。 allnbsp。 Rightsnbsp reserved nbsp; Itnbsp。 No tnbsp; Start nbsp;; innbspanbspstablenbsp。 And nbsp. No, nbsp. Innbsp Bethlehem. Itnbsp。 Start timenbsp. withnbsp。 Annbspangelnbspinnbsp Mary's. Nativenbsp land. Twasnbspinnbspanbsp town nbsp. callednbspNazarethnbspGabrielnbspcamenbsp。 Tonbsp; and then nbsp; Virginnbsp fair. Say, nbsp "Bless nbsp. artnbspthough nbsp; Amongnbsp female, "nbsp our nbsp. Father's nbsp;; Sonnbsp; you will nbsp; Bear.nbsp; And then nbsp. Then nbsp;; Angelnbsp has visited nbsp. Then nbsp;; Carpenter nbsp;; whonbsp。 Marynbsp nbsp interested. Tonbsp Wednesday. Henbspcamenbsp。 TonbspJosephnbspinnbspanbsp dream asnbsp。 Henbsplaynbspuponnbsp his nbsp. Bed. "Fear nbsp;; No, nbsp. though nbsp; Sonnbsp;ofnbsp David, "nbsptonbsptakenbsmarynbspfornbsp your nbsp; Wife nbsp;; Then nbsp;; Children nbsp. Ofnbsp oh, my god. willnbsp。 Need nbsp. younbsptonbsptendnbsp。 Himnbspinnbsp this nbsp. Life. Then nbsp;; bignbsp。 Day nbsp. Coming, nbsp Jesus. wasnbspbornnbspInnbspanbspmangernbsp。 onnbspanbsppadnbsp。 Ofnbsp hay. Then nbsp;; Angel nbsp. Sangnbsptonbsp foretells nbsp. Then nbsp;; King nbsp. Onnbsp; and then nbsp; Verynbsp, first of all, nbsp. Christmas. Day. And then nbsp. offnbsp。 Tonbsp spreads nbsp. Then nbsp;; Happynbsp; news nbsp; tonbspshepherdsnbsp。 Pay attention to nbsp. Their nbsp. Lamb. Then nbsp;; Angelnbsp have a word, nbsp“Gladnbsp news nbsp. Inbsp brings "nbsp and nbsp. goodwillnbsp。 tonbspallnbsp。 Then nbsp;; Land. Then nbsp;; Be frightened. shepherdsnbsp。 Found nbsp. Comfortable. Innbsp; then nbsp; Angelicnbspheavenlynbsp chorus.nbsp; They havenbsp; Sangnbspofnbsp and Pingnbsp. And nbsp. joynbsp。 And nbsp. anbspbabenbspwhonbsp。 Yes, nbsp One day. comenbsp。 Previously nbsp. America. Herodnbsp。 sentnbsp。 His nbsp. The wisest. mennbsp。 tonbspfindnbsp。 Then nbsp;; Babynbsp. King.nbspSonbspoffnbsp。 fromnbsp。 Then nbsp;; Eastern nbsp. They havenbsp; Follow-up nbsp. Then nbsp;; Stars, nbsp and nbsp. Precious nbsp. Gift nbsp. Didnbsp brings nbsp;; Asnbsp。 They havenbsp; Left, nbsp. Annbspangelnbsptoldnbspofnbsp of Herod. Wickednbsp plan. Henbsp has no tnbsp; Wantnbsp;tonbsp worships nbsp; Then nbsp;; Children, nbsp but nbsp; Destroy nbsp. Then nbsp;; Sonnbspofnbspman. nbspjosephnbsp has received attention. Then nbsp;; Angel's nbsp;; Words, nbsp and nbsp. Tonbsp Egypt nbsp They havenbsp; Didnbsp fled. And then nbsp. Listenednbsp objection nbsp. When? nbsp. Herodnbsp。 Passed away, nbsp and nbsp. Return to nbsp. Tonbsp Galilee Many nbsp. Niannbsp. Previously nbsp. Christ's nbsp;; Born nbsp. The other one. prophetnbsp。 Wasnbsp has informed. Annbspangelnbsp talk. Tonbsp Samuel, nbspanbsp Raman Nate nbsp. Ofnbsp old. Whonbsp。 We havenbsp; These havenbsp; Indicate nbsp. Angel nbsp. chosennbsp。 Bynbsp, oh, my god Above? Nbsp what nbsp; Brave. servantsnbsp。 They havenbsp; Nbsp havenbsp; havenbspbeennbsp。 tonbspbringnbsp。 Usnbsp his nbsp. Message nbsp. Ofnbsp love. Mother nbsp. MARYnbspBynbspSallynbspMeyernbsp(c)nbsp。 1997。 allnbsp。 Rightsnbsp reserved nbsp; Whonbsp。 amnbsp。 I, nbsp what nbsp; amnbsp。 Me? Nbsp, then nbsp. Henbsp should. Thinking about nbsp;; Ofnbsp me, nbspTonbspbringnbsp. His nbsp. Sonnbspintonbsp。 Then nbsp;; Worldnbsp; And nbsp. Teacher nbsp;; Himnbspatnbsp。 Mynbsp knee? nbspAsnbsp。 So nbsp. They havenbsp; satnbspwithnbsp。 haynbspallnbsp。 standard time