What is the predicted future event in the Dead Sea Scrolls?

To understand the meaning of the Dead Sea Scroll, we must know the history of criticism of the Bible in Europe and America in the past hundred years.

Since the Renaissance in the 15th and 6th centuries, Christianity has faced a series of criticisms.

The beginning of the Renaissance was closely related to the Crusades. When the Pope encouraged the Crusades, his main motive was to eliminate political enemies and reduce internal conflicts.

The Crusade really achieved the goal of destroying warlords. Many famous generals never came back. The Pope did use this movement to revive the authority of the Holy See.

but the crusaders in Europe brought back great changes. Why did a few Crusaders bring about such a big change? It turns out that since the collapse of the Western Roman Empire due to the Black Death and the invasion of barbarians in the north, the Vatican has naturally replaced the Western Roman Empire and become the only organized government in Europe because there are churches in various places and anarchic societies.

But sadly, the bad tradition of the Roman Empire fighting for the throne was naturally inherited by the Holy See. This bad tradition has been going on since Caesar. There is only one way to produce a new emperor every time: the old emperor is murdered, the generals fight each other, and the victorious one succeeds to the throne.

So the Vatican is full of dark tactics for the Pope. Once any organization is linked to politics, it is prone to corruption. The Holy See is no exception. So he brought Europe into the dark ages.

how can these popes who succeeded in seizing power by conspiracy be willing to let the outside world know the truth? So since then, the power to interpret the Bible has been unified in the hands of the Pope. No one is allowed to interpret the Bible. And no one is allowed to read the Bible except the appointed priest.

this provision was not abolished until 1966 at the second Vatican Council.

People who came back from the Crusades have been to remote areas where the Pope used to have less power. There, people still maintain the tradition of Christian belief. The Bible has become the center of Christian faith alive. These old messages, which are not ruled by the Pope, have given Europeans considerable encouragement. They began to

question the authority of the Pope. Even the internal teaching can't help but reform. So there was Martin Luther and the anti-Luo Sect was established. His success, on the one hand, is due to the German nobility's desire to get rid of the Pope's control. On the one hand, it is due to his interpretation and translation of the Bible. Suddenly, the Bible has become a book that the public can read again. Many stories recorded in it have once again become the target of public debate and belief.

The accurate fulfillment of biblical prophecy was mentioned earlier. At that time, the public outside the church found that there were incredible prophecies in the Bible. These fulfillment is the center of Christian faith over the years. For example, Christ will be born there, how Christ will suffer, his underwear will be drawn by lots, he will be crucified, and his chest will shed water and blood, and so on. These come true, so that the world can not refute.

and even more surprising is Daniel. This is also the most controversial volume of the Bible throughout the ages. Because it not only talks about the crucifixion of Jesus, but also predicts the historical development of Jesus hundreds of years later. For example, the golden statue in the second chapter of Daniel mentions two iron legs. According to Daniel's interpretation, this means that the Roman Empire will split later. However, it was 33 years after Jesus that the Roman Empire split. Constantine the Great decided to build Constantinople into his base in Turkey. And leave west Rome to his men.

Daniel was a figure more than 7 years before Jesus. How could he possibly know that the Roman Empire was going to split? Is this just a mystery made by scholars who interpret Confucian classics? Just the result of playing with words? Of course, the Bible has become an open book, and anyone can study it by himself. The society can't accept this theory of criticizing the Bible. Besides, Daniel doesn't only mention in the second chapter that Europe will be divided into two great empires. In the eighth and ninth chapters, it was divided into four regions: Persia, the Middle East, Rome and Egypt, starting from Medepos and passing through Alexander the Great and the Greek Empire. And 8: 21 predicted that Alexander the Great would die young. And with Israel as the coordinate, it points out that the forces in the northwest of Israel want to win the final victory. This clearly predicted the rise of the Roman Empire.

Confucian scholars also found out the date and historical background of predicting Jesus' crucifixion from the ninth chapter of Daniel. These things cannot be explained by biblical critics who oppose faith.

so there was biblical archaeology. The assumption at that time was that the writing date of Daniel must be after these historical events. Their hypothesis is that the date of writing Daniel is 48 years after Jesus. Because Daniel's prophecy, at least at that time, didn't know the division of the eastern and western Roman empires. They also pointed out that Daniel has five different languages. So let's assume that the book of Daniel was written as a deceptive book of Daniel in the form of prophecy at different times and after the occurrence of history.

These early archaeologists used this hypothesis to search everywhere. I hope to find the ancient bible manuscripts, which can prove that their assumption about the writing date of Daniel is correct.

After more than 2 years of textual research, Christian biblical archaeologists have found many historical evidences to prove the correctness of biblical history. However, the archaeology of the writing date of Daniel has hit a wall everywhere and found nothing.

Bible critics who oppose faith find many negative evidences everywhere. Why do I call this evidence negative? It turned out that what they found was: the traditional saying of the date of writing the Bible, but there was no evidence. In other words, there is no evidence to support that biblical prophecies were actually written before history < P >. To put it another way, they didn't find an archaeological evidence to overthrow the things contained in the Bible. I just can't find a piece of evidence to support that the things contained in the Bible were written before history.

It's like a wife who receives a phone call one day. As soon as she listens, she knows it's her husband's past girlfriend. Her husband answered the phone, and she overheard him making an appointment with his ex-girlfriend.

she is jealous of the sea, and her heart is full of mixed feelings. Suspecting that her husband had an affair, she invited a private detective, so we must get to the bottom of it.

The private detective found out that the husband did have dinner with this ex-girlfriend. The husband found his wife's vinegar jar overturned and denied it. Gal, the wife is more suspicious.

So she adopted a method of disproof. She said, "I suspect you are having an affair. You have to prove that you are not having an affair. I'll also look for evidence that you didn't have an affair. "

Both the husband and the private investigator reported to their wives: "There is no evidence that there is no affair."

they all feel that things have subsided. I didn't expect the news to be returned to my wife, but she said,

"I can't find any evidence that there is no affair, which is enough to prove that there is an affair." From then on, there was a small quarrel for three days and a big quarrel for five days. Finally came to the end of divorce.

That's what happened to biblical scholars. However, what they put forward, for unbelievers, is simply a shirking responsibility. They said that after the bible was copied, the old manuscripts were given as sacred things and buried in the soil. Insects ate it. Where to find old manuscripts?

this situation didn't change until 1979. Why mention 1979? It turns out that the Dead Sea Volume was born in 1956. After 23 years of research and translation, the complete translation was not completed until 1979. So since 198, the Dead Sea Scroll has started a series of exhibition tours. In 1981, I spent ten dollars to see a broken earthenware jar and a small piece (about 1"X12 ") of hand-written cowhide in Dallas. Put it in a big dark room, plus other copper coins, utensils and pieces of scriptures found in the Dead Sea. Everything is illuminated by a small lamp with five candles. It is said that it is afraid of modern light and destroying the ink of the ancients.

why is this dead sea roll so sensational? Because of the dispute over the past two hundred years, the Dead Sea Volume has come to an end. The Dead Sea Volume found every volume of the Old Testament except the Book of Esther. The era of the Dead Sea Volume is from 17 years before Jesus to 58 years before Jesus. None of the volumes were written after Jesus. What makes Christians more happy is that the Dead Sea Volume contains the most controversial book Daniel. Now no one can argue that Daniel was written after history.

what's the point? The fortress that the critical scholars who opposed the Bible spent nearly a hundred years building has now been completely destroyed by the Dead Sea. They spent so much time to prove that all the biblical records are true. It also proves that the "prophecy" in the Bible is indeed in line with history. The only problem is that when the Bible was written, it happened after history. Now the only line of defense, to the dead sea roll to a shell collapse. Since then, no archaeologists have dared to challenge the Bible.

posted on the Christian network (http://library.ccim.org)