Hungarian national anthem information ω

The lyrics of the Hungarian national anthem were written by Circei Foellenz (1790 ~1838), a great politician and poet in the reform era, and were first published in 1828. In 1844, Elg Foellenz (1810 ~1893) won the bid to compose the national anthem. In the same year, the first national anthem performance was held at the National Theatre. Since 1903, songs written by Circei Foellenz and composed by Elg Foellenz have been legally recognized as the national anthem of Hungary.

The national anthem has eight passages, but usually only one of them is played or sung in formal occasions:

God bless Hungary,

Broad-minded, compassionate, kind,

Always give help in times of difficulty,

Save the world. Don't abandon it.

My compatriots have suffered a lot,

Looking forward to a good time,

All the sins of the past and the future,

The people have redeemed it to the end!

In Hungary, a poem entitled "Call" written by 1836 by Volos Martimihai (1800~ 1855) is regarded as the second national anthem. 1843, composed by Gleich Beni (1814 ~1851). Generally, when a celebration is held, the national anthem is always sung at the beginning, and at the end of the celebration, people often sing the first two paragraphs of Call:

Ah! Hungarian!

Become a firm believer in your motherland!

She is your cradle and grave,

She raised you and will bury you.

In addition,

You have no home,

Let the hand of fate bless you and hit you,

You need to be born here and die here.

The Hungarian national anthem, formerly known as Himnusz, comes from Isten, áldd meg a magyart, which means "God bless Hungarians" and is the official national anthem of Hungary. 1844 adopted. Ferenc Kerr deed (Ferenc K? Lyrics by lcsey) and music by Ferenc Erkel. The official title is "hymn, a magyars Né p Zivataros SZá Zadaibó l", which is rarely used now.

The title of poems and songs is "Szózat" (pleading). From Haz á dnak Rendü let Lenü lé Gy Hí ve, ó h Magyar (Hungary, the motherland is steadfast), poetry enjoys social status, almost equivalent to the national anthem, although the Hungarian Constitution only mentions Himnusz. Now Himnusz often plays and sings at the beginning of the ceremony, while Szózat is used at the end.

Unofficial ode "March of Lacozzi" is short and pithy, and its composer is unknown, but it is often regarded as Janos Bihari, which is often used in national military occasions. Another poem, Nemzetidar (national anthem), was written by Petofi.

Radio Koschut, one of the official Hungarian radio stations, plays the national anthem of Simnush at midnight every day.

Another popular song is Szé kely Himnusz, which was the national anthem of Vanya in western Sichuan during the Hungarian period and is no longer used.

The lyrics of Hungary's national anthem are unusual, expressing a plea to God rather than a sense of national pride. Because of the mention of God, during the period of the People's Republic of Hungary, they only played and didn't sing the lyrics. Rakosi Matyas, general secretary of the Hungarian Socialist Party, once asked the writer zoltan kodály to write a new "socialist" national anthem. Kodá ly refused, but Raj did not pursue it. After the Hungarian Revolution, Jano Kaudao tried to make Sozat replace Simnush as the national anthem, but failed.

The Hungarian national anthem has eight stanzas, but only the first stanza is played or sung on formal occasions. The following are eight lyrics, including the original text, two English versions and one Chinese version:


Magyars Né p Zivataros Szazadabó l

Listen, Meg Madzar.

Jó kedvvel,b? Segero,

NYU jts feléje véd? Go-karting,

Ha Kuzd Ellen Segero;

bal sors akit gen tép,

hozz RVíg esz tend? t,

Megb? nh? DTE marr e nép

A múltat s j? vend? t!

Hanizor Zengert Akin

Pehnec, Oszman Wade

Vert hadunk csonthalmain

Gy? Zod Minek!

Hányszor támadt tenfiad

Sepp Hazam, Kay Bourdrez,

s . letl magzatod miatt

Magzatod hamvvedre!

seinket felhozád

Karpat Saint Behrel,

Italy Niet Sepp Hazat

Bendegúznak vére。

S merre zúgnak habjai

Znak, Dunanak,

rpád h? s magzatjai

Fairvilla GoZnak.

Bújt az üld? z? TT Sefry

Karl Niyot Baranjaban,

Sert nezet

Honert Hazaban,

Becret Hages V? lgybe száll,

bús kétég mellette,

Will? z? Labanna,

S lángtenger f? Wright.

rtünk Kunság mezein

rt kalászt lengettél,

Tokaj sz? l? Wesain

Nektat Chepegatelli

Zászlónk gyakran plántálád

Vad t? r? K. Sankara,

S ny? GTE mátyás bús hadat

Bé Cejnek Bishkek Wala.

Vallott, the most k? halom,

Kedv s? r? m r? pkedtek,

Halal? siralom

Zalic Mal Heyetek.

Hello, Mr. Saba.

Holtnak Veleb? I

Kínzó rabság k? Nnye hull

rvánk h? szeméb? Me!

Haji, de B? Nick Mijat

Gult Harag Kay Broder Ben,

Vilamidat, Ersu Itad

d? rg? Ferregdeben,

Most rabbló mongol nyilt

Zúgattad felettünk,

Majd t? r? kt? Rabig

Vállainkra vettünk。

Szánd meg is magyars.

Kit Wessek Haninak,

NYU jts feléje véd? Small racing car

Tengrien Kinnak.

bal sors akit gen tép,

hozz RVíg esz tend? t,

Megb? nh? DTE marr e nép

A múltat s j? vend? t!