How kind and beautiful it is; (Psalm133; 1)
Look! The meaning of these two words; It means to concentrate. It is also a focus, just as John the Baptist pointed to Jesus; Look at that! The Lamb of God took away the sins of the world. Is to call people's special attention. This is the lamb of God. When Jesus was crucified, a centurion pointed to Jesus and said, Look! This is really the son of God. It's all about commentary. That's him. There's nothing wrong with it.
Let's pay attention to how beautiful it is for brothers and sisters to live in harmony. Nothing in the world can be compared. It's nice and beautiful. The Bible first describes it as the precious oil poured on Aaron's head, flowing to his beard and then to his skirt. It's like anointing Aaron as a priest. The second description: it is like the dew of Hermon falling on Mount Zion, because there is the blessing commanded by the Lord, that is, eternal life.
It is a wonderful thing that brothers and sisters live in harmony in the Bible. There is a beautiful testimony in the Bible that there are two brothers, one named Anan and the other named Arauna. At (2sa24; 18) said: gad came to David and said to him; Go up and build an altar to the Lord on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite.
So the Lord was angry with Israel, and David chose three disasters at random.1; This country has seven years of famine; 2; Run away from the enemy and be chased for three months; 3; There are three days of plagues in other countries; David said to Gad, "I'm in a dilemma. I want to fall into the hands of the Lord, because he has abundant mercy, and I don't want to fall into the hands of people. So the Lord sent a plague on Israel, and seventy thousand people died from Dan to Beersheba from the morning until the appointed time.
Anan has a large population (21; 20
Arauna has a small population, and their threshing floors are adjacent. At the time of harvest,
Arauna said to himself; My brother has a large population and I have a small population. When I secretly send my brother a few bags, it will happen at night.
Anan also said in his heart that although my brother has a small population and I have a large population, God has given me rich grace and my brother is still young. I will secretly send some bags to my brother, and I will do the same at night. However, during the day, they were surprised to find that their own bags were not lost. On the third night, when they were delivering the package, they met and thanked each other for their love. It can be seen that their brothers are very close, and it is really beautiful to use the fields and grain fields of such friendly people as places to build temples.
So; When David understood this matter, he especially explained this truth; How kind and beautiful it is. On the contrary, brothers and sisters can't live in harmony; That is, if your life is not good and others are good, you will be jealous; If you live well, you will look down on others if they are not good;
Pray for God to have mercy on us. I wish we all have such true love for each other like Arauna and Anan, and get God's attention, so that their deeds can be recorded in the Bible, and now everyone can imitate them. I hope our life can also show the glory of God. Amen.