'If I should see you, after a long year. How should I meet, with tears, with silence. If we meet someday, how can I congratulate you? With silence, with tears. She walks in beauty, like the night' byron's' Spring Gone'
' She walks in beauty, like the night' byron's' Poems of Beauty'
' If you should see you, after a long year. How should I meet you, with silence and tears. If I should see you, it would be years later. How can I congratulate you, with tears and silence? -Byron's
' If I should meet them, after long years, how should I meet them? With silence and tears. How will I greet you if we meet many years later? With silence, with tears. -Byron's "When We Two Parted"
and more deeply buried love endears than aught except its living years. Your buried love is better than everything except the years when love was alive-Byron's "You are dead"
To make a lastin. G marriage we have to come over self-centeredness. To make a long marriage, we need to overcome the self-centered consciousness. -Byron