The way home 2) About 14:2 "In my father's house, there are many dwellings. If not, I will tell you. I'll prepare a place for you. " The Lord Jesus told us that there are many dwellings in the Father's house. In our China people's mind, home and house are often inseparable, which is also the reason why our house prices have remained high. If you want to get married and start a family, you must first build a house or buy a house, as if you have a house and you have a home. But English houses are shelters for the body, while homes are harbors for the soul. A house is a building, but a home is a place where love and warmth meet.
John 6:5438+04:3 "If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to me. Where I am, there you are." In my father's place, there are not only houses, but also spiritual homes that we long for. God lives with his children; Believers saved from all ethnic groups, people, cities and towns live together. This is a huge family, but also a warm, happy, safe and happy family. How happy we are to find a place to live in God's house, which is also our dream. This is Immanuel promised by God, and it is a true portrayal of God's presence with people.
The way home 4) 1 Thessalonians 4: 17 "From now on, we who are still alive will be lifted up in the clouds with them and meet the Lord in the air. In this way, we will always be with the Lord. " The place where Jesus is with us is heaven. We don't have to guess what heaven is like, we just need to know that we will always be with the Lord in the future, which is enough. If we love someone wholeheartedly, we will be satisfied with being with that person. Heaven is where we will always be with the Lord. The only way to go to heaven is through the redemption of Jesus Christ.
The way home 5) Acts 4: 12 "There is no salvation except him. Because there is no other name in the world, we can be saved by it. " Heaven is the home of our heavenly father, and it is also the home of our Christians. How and how to go home is very important. Just like Spring Festival travel rush every year, nearly half the people in the country are on their way home. How can they go home and reunite with their families quickly, safely and efficiently? This requires us to take the right road, choose the right direction and use the right means of transportation. If we go in the wrong direction, the faster we walk, the farther away we will be from home.
The Road to Home: 35:8 "There is a highway called the Holy Road. Unclean people must not pass by, but only walk for the salvation of the people, and those who walk in ignorance will not get lost. Jews know that people must walk on the road of God, so that life can be peaceful, life can be safe, families can be happy, and countries and nations can prosper. However, the path that God instructed and ordered the Israelites to take was expressed in words, not taught in his words. Jesus said that he is the road. What he wants to express is not only words, but actions, making him a tangible road that we can see and touch.
The way home 7) is 30:2 1 "If you turn left or right, you will hear a voice behind you saying, this is the right way, walk in it." We went to a strange place and asked people for directions. If the person we ask says, "Come with me and I'll take you there." Then this person will be our way so that we won't get lost. The Lord Jesus said that I am the way. That's what he meant. He not only guides us how to go, but also leads us, holding our hands and leading us the way; He leads us every day and gives us strength. He not only showed us the direction, but also personally became our way.
John 6: 1: 14 "The Tao became flesh and lived among us, full of grace and truth. We have also seen his glory, which is the glory of the only son of the father. " It is useless for a drowning man to stand on the shore and tell him how to swim. The most useful way is to jump into the water like a lifeguard to save him. The Lord Jesus incarnated, preached the gospel of the kingdom of heaven, performed miracles of healing and exorcism, and laid down his life and shed blood for us in order to bear our sins. What he says, does and does is the direction of the road. As long as we believe in him, he can take us to God's house.
On the way home Matt 10:39 "He who gains life loses it. He who loses his life for me will gain it. " The Lord is the only way to God the Father. This road is correct and the safest, but it is also a narrow road, and it is also a road that requires us to move forward carefully and diligently. Jesus really told us that as a Christian, we must not covet the benefits and enjoyment of this life. The Lord Jesus also warned those who followed him that they must endure persecution and slander. He also said that people who follow him must bear their own cross, pay the price of growth, and experience environmental coping and suffering.
The way home 10) Tai 7: 14 "The road to eternal life, the door is narrow, the road is small, and there are few people looking for it." As the head of state, the Lord Jesus did not attract us by promising us a smooth road, nor did he buy us off with success, wealth, health and reputation. On the contrary, he challenged us that those who follow him should bear their own cross, and he should cultivate our personality through suffering. The road taken by the Lord Jesus himself is a road of thorns, a road of suffering and sacrifice. Through this road, we can go back to our father. I hope we are willing to give up ourselves and take this crossroads.