Confucius said, "Disciple, if you enter, you will be filial; if you leave, you will be sincere; if you believe, you will believe; if you love others all the time, you will be kind. I have spare capacity to study literature. "
Qin Zi asked Zi Gong, "Master, as for the country, we will hear about its politics and make peace." Depressed? Zi Gong said, "Master is gentle, courteous and frugal. What does the owner want and what do others want? " A Confucius said, "Harmony is the most precious thing.
Wang Zhidao is the first, Sri Lanka is beautiful; Small and big. It is not feasible to do things, and it is not polite to know and make peace. "
Confucius said, "Governing the country by virtue is like Beichen, living in its place and surrounded by stars." Confucius said, "There are 300 poems. In a word, it is' naive thinking'. Confucius said, "The Tao requires politics, the people need punishment, and the people need exemption. Tao is virtue, courtesy, shame and dignity. "
..................................................., this is just the opening paragraph of The Analects.
2. All sentences with the word "mo" in junior middle school classical Chinese are 1 in grades 7-9. Confucius' Quotations "The Analects of Confucius" Confucius said: "Clever words make color [clever words make color] rhetoric is gorgeous and looks beautiful.
Yes, it's good. Xianren [Xianren] is rarely a benevolent.
Fresh, less. ! "("The Analects? Confucius said: "Scholars are determined to pursue the truth.
And those who are ashamed of their poor clothes and food are not worthy to talk to them. "
("The Analects? Li Ren) Confucius said, "Knowing is not as good as being kind, and being kind is not as good as being happy." ("The Analects? Confucius said: "Knowledge is" wisdom "and cleverness.
The following "knowledge without confusion" is the same as this. Those who enjoy water, and those who are kind, enjoy Le Mountain.
Those who know move, those who are good are quiet. He who knows is happy, and he who is kind lives long.
"("The Analects? "Forever Night") Confucius said: "Is benevolence far away? I want benevolence, I am merciful.
It means that benevolence is a matter of attitude, not ability. "
("The Analects? Confucius said, "The three armies can seize [seize] losses. Handsome, men [men] are people, generally referring to ordinary people.
You can't catch ambition. "("The Analects? Zi Han) Confucius said: "The knower is not confused, the benevolent is not worried, and the brave is not afraid."
("The Analects? Zi Han) Confucius said, "Don't worry. People who don't know themselves don't know themselves.
Suffer from its inability [inability] to have ability (talent). Yes "
("The Analects? Confucius said, "He who has no long-term worries must have near worries." ("The Analects? Wei Linggong) Confucius said, "If you make a mistake, you make a mistake.
The latter's "over" means "fault". It is too much not to change. "
("The Analects? Wei Linggong) 2, fish I want is also the fish of Mencius in the Warring States Period, I want it, bear's paw, I want it, fish and bear's paw can't have both, and those who give up fish take bear's paw also. Life is what I want, and righteousness is what I want. You can't have both. Those who give up their lives for righteousness are also.
If people don't enjoy life, then what can be used to find a means of survival, which can't be used? I hate death, too. Death is more terrible than the dead, so I can't avoid it.
What people want is nothing more than life. Why not use people who can live? What makes people worse than the dead, so why not avoid the patients? Born with it, born without it; If you are right, you can avoid pain and do something wrong. A bowl of rice, a bowl of soup, you can live if you get it, but you will starve if you don't get it.
But with disdain to drink and eat, hungry pedestrians are unwilling to accept it; Kick others' food with their feet, and beggars will not accept it. The senior official accepted it without distinguishing whether it was appropriate or not.
Call it, and the people in the street will be blessed; Begging for help is too much. What's the use of 10 thousand minutes to me if I accept it without distinguishing the etiquette? For the beauty of the palace and the service of wives and concubines, I won't help those who know how to repay kindness? Die for the body, not subject to the body, this is the beauty of the palace; Die for yourself, not subject to it, and now be regarded as a wife; I want to die for my life, but now I want to die for the poor and the needy: yes or no? This is called the loss of humanity.
3. Born in sorrow, died in happiness. Mencius was born in an acre of land, Fu Shuo was raised in the floor space, glue was raised in fish salt, Guan Yiwu was raised in a scholar, Sun Shuai was raised in the sea, and Priscilla was raised in the city. Therefore, when the sky falls, people must first suffer their minds, their bones and muscles, starve their bodies, empty their bodies, and mess around. Therefore, patience has benefited them a lot.
People are unchangeable, and then they can change; Trapped in the heart, balanced in consideration, and then made; Color label, sound hair, and then metaphor. A country, if there are no ministers and wise men who can assist the king, will often be in danger of the collapse of its neighboring countries and the misfortunes from abroad.
Then I know that I was born in sorrow and died in happiness. "4, controversy" zuo zhuan "ten years in the spring, qi division cut me, will fight.
The king asked to see Lord Zhuang. His fellow countryman said, "People in power will plan this. Why do you want to participate?" ? ""Those in power are short-sighted and unable to think deeply, "Cao Gui said."
See you then. "What are you fighting for?" Cao Gui asked. Zhuang Gong said, "I never dared to know what to eat and wear. I must give it to the ministers around me. "
Yes, I said, "Xiao En doesn't repeat, but people are obedient." Duke Zhuang said, "I never dare to exaggerate the number of pigs, sheep, jade articles, silks, etc. for sacrifice. I must tell God the truth."
Cao Gui said: "Mix's credit cannot be trusted by the gods, and the gods will not bless you." . "ZhuangGong said," even if you can't see all the lawsuits in Mix, I must also be based on facts. "
Yes, he said, "Loyalty belongs to you. You can fight a war. Please follow the war. "
On that day, Qi Huangong and Cao Gui sat in a chariot and fought with Qi Jun in Beidou. The public will clamor and say, "impossible."
Qi people beat the drums three times and said, "Yes." Qi Jun was completely defeated.
The general rushed at him and said, "No." Then he got out of the chariot, looked at the tracks of Qi Jun's wheels, climbed into the chariot, supported the front railing of the chariot and looked at Qi Jun's formation, saying, "We can pursue." . "
So, the pursuit of Qi Jun was pursued. After winning, the king asked him why he won.
He said: "It takes courage to fight. High spirits, then decline, and three exhausted.
I am tired, I am surplus, so I will overcome it. Great powers are unpredictable and fearful.
I regard it as chaos and look at its flag, so I chase it. 5. Zou Ji satirized Qi Wang, Jishi Shu, Han and Liu Xiang. Zou Ji wrote the Warring States Policy with more than eight feet, but it was ugly.
Get up in the morning, dress up, look in the mirror and say to his wife, "I am better than Xu Gong in the north of the city. Who is more beautiful? " ? "His wife said," you are very beautiful. How does Gong compare with you? "Xugong in the north of the city is the most beautiful man in Qi. Zou Ji didn't believe in himself, so he asked his concubine, "Who is more beautiful than Xugong? " ? " My concubine said: How can Gong be as good as you? Dan said that the guest came from outside and talked to him, asking him, "Which is more beautiful, Xugong or me?" The guest said, "Xugong is not as beautiful as you." . "
Xu Gong will come tomorrow, who will see it and feel inferior; Look at yourself in the mirror, as far as the horizon. Thinking about it at dusk, I said, "My wife is beautiful and I am private; The beauty of my concubine is afraid of me; The beauty of the guest is me, I want my things. "
So he went to the court to see Wang Wei and said, "I sincerely know that Xu Hongmei is not as good as Xu Hongmei. My wife is a private minister, my concubine is afraid of me, and everything my guests want is more beautiful than Xu Gong.
Today, the land is thousands of miles away and there are 120 cities. Palace ladies are private kings, and court officials are not afraid of kings. They all want the king to be within their four borders: from this point of view, the king is very protected. "The king said," good. "
He ordered: "whoever can stab me in the face will be rewarded;" There will be a reward for those who write and exhort me; Those who can slander the city will be rewarded if they listen to me. " At the beginning of the stage, the ministers remonstrated and the door was crowded; After a few months, from time to time; Years later, although I wanted to talk, I couldn't get in.
Yan, Zhao, Han and Wei are all Qi people. This is the imperial court, and there is no need to use war to defeat the enemy.
6. Zhuge Chenliang, the model of the Three Kingdoms, said: The first emperor did not start a business, and the middle road collapsed; The next three points, Yizhou tired, this is the key autumn. However, the Minister of Security is persistent; Loyalist, forgetful: I want to report the special experience of Gai Zhui and the late emperor to your Majesty.
If you are sincere, you should listen to the holy spirit, with the light of the legacy of the first emperor and the spirit of the people; It is not advisable to sell yourself short, quote nonsense, and block the road of loyal advice. Palace house,.
3. The popularity and charm of classical Chinese in junior high school
Verb meaning:
1, recognize the word. Xiao Zhuan, from hand to hand (gǒng, hands), looks like a string of jade or a tree cover at the top. It means holding something in your hand. Original meaning: hold it respectfully with both hands. "Hold" after writing.
Feng and Cheng Ye. -"Shuo Wen"
Qian ao serves food on the left and drinks on the right. -"Tan Gong Xia Li Ji"
Changshan Wang ran around. -"Han Kuai Tong Biography"
Xiang Bo immediately entered Pei Gong, and Pei Gong celebrated his birthday with wine, which was a matter of marriage. -"Historical Records, Biography of Xiang Yu, Hongmen Banquet"
I am willing to serve you. -"Historical Records Biography of Lian Po and Lin Xiangru"
Jing Ke received a letter from Fan and Qin Wuyang received a map box. -"Warring States Policy, Yance, Jing Ke Stabbed the King of Qin"
2. Accept respectfully.
When he was appointed to the defeated army, he was ordered to be in danger. -Zhuge Liang's "Model"
People close to you will be condemned and told to point south, but Liu Cong will give up. -"Purple Tongzhi Sword Battle of Red Cliffs"
3. Dedication; Send things from the bottom up.
Please present a pot for the king of Qin for entertainment. -"Historical Records Biography of Lian Po and Lin Xiangru"
Fight a pair of jade and then worship the general. -"Historical Records, Biography of Xiang Yu, Hongmen Banquet"
4. Send; Give; Here.
Prince is to let people use thousands of dollars to serve Zhuangzi and Zhuangzi. -"Zhuangzi said the sword"
The more complicated it is, the more urgent it is. -Su Song Xun's Six Kingdoms
Offenders uncle, I am insatiable, diligent, and God bless me. -"Thirty-three years of Zuo Zhuan Xi Gong"
In today's country, there are millions of people in the northwest. -Su Song Shi, "Teaching to Fight and Defend"
5. Service ...; Serve.
I don't want to die for my body, but I want to die for my wife and concubine. -"Mencius"
6. Flatter.
Although he is omnipotent, he is very likable. -Journey to the West
7. implementation; Execute.
According to the law. -"Historical Records"
8. respect
Is it impossible for a son to do great things at your behest and support Song Meng? -Eleven Years of Zuo Gong
9. Sacrifice; Support.
People's ways are different, and the loss is not enough to serve. -"Lao Zi"
Knock out the marrow of the world and disperse the children of the world, just for one person to serve me. -Huang Qingzong Xi "Yuan Jun"
Zhang Wenjie is the prime minister, and he is the secretary of Heyang Palm. -Song Sima Guang's "Cultivating Self-cultivation"
10, held; Take it.
Serve soldiers in armor. -"Mozi, non-attack"
1 1, auxiliary; Support.
In Xu Dong, Zheng Bo asked Dr. Xu to serve Uncle Xu. -"Zuo Zhuan Eleven Years of Yin Gong"
Noun meaning:
1, pass "salary". Salary.
Respect without reactive power, thick without effort, and heavy equipment. -"The Warring States Policy and the Qin Policy"
All the officials give money. -Historical Records Xiao Shijia
Hou was lucky to get food money to serve the city. -"Han Gao Hou Ji"
Your husband was rewarded by others for two reasons. -"History of Han Follwed"
Today's small officials are diligent in serving the country. -"History of Han Dynasty Xuandi Ji"
2. treatment; Serve.
It is not acceptable to die for one's own life, and now it is regarded as it by wives and concubines. -"Mencius"
When one person's behavior involves the other party, you should use respectful words. Provide money (entertainment). Respect): I am sincere (modest). Please); Bow (bow; Hand in hand as a gift); Be condescending. Dedication: honorific) and so on.
4. Who teaches classical Chinese in junior high school in the seventh grade?
First unit
5. Childlike interest (divine gift)
Second unit
10, Ten Analects of Confucius
Third unit
15, five ancient poems
Look at the sea (Cao Cao)
A berth at the foot of Beibao Mountain (Wang Wan)
Spring outing in Qiantang River (Bai Juyi)
Xijiangyue (Xin Qiji)
Tianjingsha? Qiu Si (Ma Zhiyuan)
Fourth unit
20.* Shancheng (Pu Songling)
Fifth unit
25. Two articles of Shi Shuo Xin Yu
Xue Yong
Chen Taiqiu and Friendship Period
Sixth unit
30.* Four Fables
Think children are smart and doubt your neighbors.
The old pioneer lost his horse-a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise.
People's education edition, seventh grade, second volume
First unit
5. Shang (Wang Anshi)
Second unit
10, Mulan poem
Third unit
15, * Sun Quan advised Zijian
Fourth unit
20, ventriloquism (Lin Sihuan)
Fifth unit
25. Two short essays
Kuafu's Daily Classic of Mountains and Seas
Two children argued about Japanese Liezi.
Sixth unit
30.* Wolf (Pu Songling)
The first volume of the eighth grade of People's Education Edition
Fifth unit
2 1, Taohuayuan (Tao Yuanming)
22. Two short essays
Humble room inscription (Liu Yuxi)
Ailian said (Zhou Dunyi)
23. Nuclear Boat (Wei Xueyi)
24. A trip to the Avenue (Book of Rites)
25. Three Poems by Du Fu
Wang yue
spring scenery
Li Shihao
Sixth unit
26. Three Gorges (Li Daoyuan)
27. Two short essays
Thanks to Zhong Shushu (Tao Hongjing)
Night Tour in Chengtian Temple (Su Shi)
28. Observe the tides (carefully)
29. Look at the snow in the middle of the lake (Zhang Dai)
30. Four poems belong to Yuan Tianju (Tao Yuanming)
Arriving at the border (Wang Wei)
Seeing a friend off at Jingmen Ferry (Li Bai)
Visit Shanxi village (land tour)
People's Education Press Grade 8 Volume II
Fifth unit
2 1, and Zhu Shu (Wu Jun)
22. Biography of Mr. Wuliu (Tao Yuanming)
23. Ma Shuo (Han Yu)
24. Send the horse to Dongyang (excerpt) (Song Lian)
25. Five poems and songs were presented at the first meeting of Lotte (Liu Yuxi) in Yangzhou.
Chibi (Dumu)
Guo Yang (Wen Tianxiang)
Water regulation (when is the bright moon) (Su Shi)
Goat? Tongguan nostalgia (Zhang)
Sixth unit
26. Xiaoshitang (Liu Zongyuan)
27. Yueyang Tower (Fan Zhongyan)
28. Zuiwengting (Ouyang Xiu)
29. Man Jing's Travel Notes (Yuan Hongdao)
30, five poems drinking (5) (Tao Yuanming)
It's hard to go (1) (Li Bai)
The hut was broken by the autumn wind (Du Fu)
A song "Bai Xuege" sent Tian Shuji Wu home ()
Ji Hai's Miscellaneous Poems (Gong Zizhen)
People's education edition, ninth grade, first volume
Sixth unit
2 1, Chen She aristocratic family (Sima Qian)
22. Tang Ju lives up to her mission (Liu Xiang)
23. Longzhong Dui (Chen Shou)
24. Be a model (Zhuge Liang)
25. Five words
Wang Jiangnan (Wen)
Jiangchengzi? Mizhou Hunting (Su Shi)
The Fisherman's Pride (Fan Zhongyan)
Is it broken? Send the sophistry to Chen Tongfu (Xin Qiji)
Wu Lingchun (Li Qingzhao)
People's Education Edition Ninth Grade Volume II
Fifth unit
17, ink input.
18, Mencius two chapters
a just cause enjoys abundant support while an unjust cause finds little
Be born at hardship, die at peace and happiness
19, fish what I want, Mencius
20. Two stories about Zhuangzi.
Huizi Xiang Liang
Zhuangzi and Keiko are swimming in Haoliang.
Sixth unit
2 1, Cao Gui's argument about Zuo Zhuan
22. Zou Ji satirized Wang Qi's Warring States policy.
23, Yugong Yishan "Liezi"
24. Two poems in The Book of Songs
Crown spike