"The Ant and the Cicada"
In the cold winter, when the ant was drying the damp food, a hungry cicada begged him. The ant said to the cicada: "Why don't you store some food in the summer?" The cicada replied: "I was singing sweet songs at that time and had no time." The ant smiled and said: "If you sing in the summer, you can dance in the winter. !"
"Two Bags"
Prometheus created people and gave each person two bags, one to hold other people's evil deeds and the other to hold them. my own. He hung the bag containing other people's evil deeds in front and the other behind. Therefore, people always see the evil deeds of others, but not their own.
"The Donkey and the Wolf"
The donkey was grazing in the pasture. When he saw the wolf charging towards him, he pretended to be lame. The wolf came to him and asked why he was lame. The donkey said: "When crossing the fence, it pricked its foot." He advised the wolf to pull out the thorn first, and then eat it to avoid getting stuck in its throat when eating. The wolf believed it to be true, so he raised the donkey's leg and looked at it attentively. The donkey aimed at the wolf's mouth and kicked it, knocking out the wolf's teeth. The wolf suffered a lot and said: "I really deserve it! My father taught me to be a butcher, why should I practice medicine?"
"The Turtle and the Eagle"
The turtle asked the eagle to teach him Fly, the Eagle advised him, saying that his nature was not suitable for flying at all. The Tortoise begged again and again, and the Eagle caught him, carried him into the air, and dropped him. The turtle fell on the stone and was smashed to pieces.
"Horse and Donkey"
A man had a horse and a donkey. During the journey, the donkey said to the horse: "If you are willing to save my life, please share some of my life." Burden." The horse was unwilling, and the donkey fell down dead from exhaustion. So the owner put all the donkey's goods, including the donkey skin, on the horse's back. Only then did the horse cry and say: "What a bad luck! How can I be so unlucky/I refused to share a little bit of the burden, but now I am carrying all the goods, plus this skin."
"The Fox" "And the Dog"
The fox sneaked into the flock, picked up a lamb, and petted it hypocritically. The dog asked the fox what he was doing, and he said, "I was teasing him, playing with him." The dog said again: "Now if you don't put down this lamb, I will let you taste the dog's touch." "
"The Dog in the Mouth"
A dog crossed a river with meat in its mouth. He saw his reflection in the water and thought it was another dog holding a bigger piece of meat. .
Thinking of this, he decided to grab the bigger piece of meat. So he jumped into the water to grab the bigger piece of meat.
He lost both pieces. If you don’t get it, the piece in the water never existed, and the original piece was washed away by the river.