Most of the emperor's work ability is not comparable to the following etiquette. After all, no matter how good the emperor's children are, they are unlikely to have more than ordinary people. Why can many emperors remain in power and the ministers below do not rebel? The most important factor is people's heart. Because everyone agrees with this basic theory. Unless the people can't live any longer, they may rebel. Even if many ordinary people rebel, they will not think about overthrowing the emperor. Most people just beg for a meal.
Everyone below Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty 1566 was in a dilemma. For example, Yan Zhang in front, Xu Jie Zhang and others behind. Why make things difficult? Because Jia Jing is your father, even if he is wrong, they will bear it.
Harry grew up reading sage books, and of course he also received this kind of cultural education. Harry listened to his mother's advice before playing Shu. Harry did it. He was completely loyal and filial. In Harry's mind, Jiajing is of course a responsible father. Besides, Harry is different from others. Harry lost his father when he was a child, so for him, he had no father since he was a child. Jiajing's position in his heart is of course more critical. So there is also a view that Harry plays a role in Jiajing, just like a child will do anything to better attract his father's attention.
Hai Rui often plays a role in Jiajing, on the one hand, in order to win over the people better, on the other hand, in order to win over the emperor Jiajing better. As he often said to Jiajing in his cell: "Although my parents are dead, what I eat is that you are my father." "In fact, Harry is not the only one who regards you as a father." "Everyone in the world should treat the emperor as a father."
Jiajing was a clever man, and later he understood Harry's good intentions. So he didn't kill Harry, and even compared Harry to a sword of the Ming Dynasty. Don't think there are so many ministers in Jiajing, but how many can really be loyal to Jiajing? Even though Fang Lu was so loyal to Jiajing, Fang Lu arranged for Feng Bao to bet on Wanli and prepared a retreat for himself in advance. Yan Song, Xu Jie and Zhang are all the same. Jiajing is only a special tool for them to safeguard their own rights and interests, and even Zhang gradually prepared for the political reform in the process of Jiajing not killing.
With Jiajing's death, Harry had expected to persuade Jiajing to repent and turn over a new leaf. The only person who knew him before will leave. His father is gone.