(on the road)
Pedestrians are sad; In those days, I suffered from poverty and finally had a good life, but my wife went, even if gold and silver chariots and horses were useless. There was a faint sound of a shepherd's flute, and Du Mu was holding a wine. He said that he was down and out in the rivers and lakes carrying wine, and his waist was light and his palm was light. The spring breeze was ten miles along Yangzhou Road, and it was better to roll up a bead curtain. Pedestrians greeted Mr. Daoqian with great elegance, but why did the poetry in his mouth seem like the scene when I met my wife? Now, how many beautiful ladies in pink are not as good as the wives of the dross? Mr. Daoqian, who came to the grave, casually said that I came to bury the past. Mr. Pedestrian exclaimed, What do you mean by Du Mu's sadness? You and your wife really loved each other and had a good time. When I was young, I got along with more girls, but none of them really treated me. Now I'm still alone. Now I'll bury this ridiculous past to find the true love in the world. You were blessed with your wife. The shepherd boy sang on the flute and his voice grew louder. How within this world, within this grain of dust, I'd rather love and hate Du Mu, and Du Mu, who was surprised by pedestrians, came forward to ask this sentence, which is of great significance. Like Mr. Li Shangyin's writing, how do you know that the shepherd boy can't answer Li or something? In a pub in front, I heard people sing Du Mu's bow and think to passers-by that Mr. Li is right. Love and hate can't live in this small world, but for us whose life is short, we can't escape. You and I have loved each other, and one who has been hurt by love is all frustrated. Why not? Asked the shepherd boy where to go to the pub, the shepherd boy replied to go straight ahead. Xinghua Village is a hometown of drunkenness. Du Mu and pedestrians went with the shepherd boy to the voice-over rain for a long time, and it fell in this Qingming rainy season.