The greedy snake swallowed the elephant, and the ignorant people plundered the materials of nature. Cut off the poor branches that remain.
Smoke from factories pollutes the blue sky, making it a polluted place with thick smoke. Sewage from factories pollutes rivers, forcing small fish to migrate and leave their habitats.
Now a wave of cold snap is coming, which is people's repentance for their previous mistakes. In the earth without fresh oxygen, people are breathless and heartbroken.
These are nature's revenge on mankind. It is useless to warn people to ruthlessly plunder the wealth of nature. People want to cry, but they can't cry because they are used to laughing.
People realized this and began to build their homes. In the street, the cold wind roared and greedily sucked the little life on the earth like a vampire. People have made up their minds not to be afraid of strong winds.
A tree settled on the soil and controlled soil erosion. People are trying to purify the water again. Many things happen and people finally overcome the difficulty of water.
Now, people start a new life and breathe fresh air every day. The government issued an order: Don't cut down trees and pollute the environment.
However, a new disaster began. Because of the living environment, it is not allowed to destroy the ecology. One by one, scientific and technological experiments began to stop, and science and technology began to lag behind, staying at a stage.
When people met this difficulty, they all frowned and locked up.
In the end, everyone was exhausted. Under the circumstances, they had to fly into the universe with only one spaceship left to find a new habitat. When they flew out of the earth, they were surprised to find that the earth had become a planet of plants.
Since there are so many plants, we can continue to develop science as long as we don't destroy the environment excessively.
Since then, the earth has become a planet where science, technology and environment coexist.