Covenant: Serve God

Joshua 24: 15 if you are not good at serving the Lord, which god can you choose to serve today, that is, the god your fathers served across the river? Is it the God of the Amorites where you live? As for me and my family, we will serve God. "

God stopped the water in the Jordan River by miracles, led the Israelites across the Jordan River and knocked down the walls of Jericho. Therefore, the Israelites must think that they can easily seize the promised land. Who knows that in the next attack in Ai, a city much smaller than Bieri, it was easily defeated. Joshua began to complain to God. Did God lead them across Jordan to die in front of the Canaanites? Joshua prefers the people to stay in the east of Jordan. God told Joshua that the whole Israeli camp was judged by God because Achan disobeyed God's command and took the cursed thing. They executed Achan, and after getting rid of their sins, they continued to be blessed and led by God, and seized and burned the whole city of Ai. After hearing the news that the Israelites had won the battle, the Gibeonites came to make peace with the Israelites and made an agreement with them. The five kings in the south also decided to unite against the Israelites. God fought for Israel, and delivered all the armies of the five kings in the south and the five kings in the north into their hands, and won a great victory.

The Israelites occupied Canaan, the promised land, and divided it among the twelve tribes.

Although it seems to us that allocating land and drawing clear boundaries are very boring today, we must understand how precious these properties were to all tribes in the beginning. Each tribe got the land promised by God to Abraham as its own inheritance.

Our God is faithful and merciful to keep his covenant. Not a word of the Lord's promise to bless the house of Israel has failed, but it has come true.

Although the Israelites seized the land of Canaan, they did not drive all the Canaanites out. At this time, Joshua was old and dying. He said to the people, warn them to be vigilant, because there are Canaanites living among them, and these Canaanites still serve their gods.

Ask the students: What are the dangers of Canaanites living among Israelis?

God knows that Israel faces the temptation to follow other gods. Influenced by the daily life of Canaanites, they are likely to abandon God and worship idols.

Joshua encouraged the people to have great courage, observe and do everything written in the book of the law of Moses, and never deviate from the right or left. Do not serve or worship their gods, but rely solely on the Lord your God.

Joshua gave orders to people. He reminded everyone of what God had done in the past (going out of Egypt, crossing the Red Sea, taking the desert road, fighting for them and driving out the powerful people), and then told them to keep their distance from the Canaanites and serve God only. This instruction was accompanied by a warning that if they disobeyed God and let Canaanites live among them, the Canaanites would eventually become their "snares, whips on their ribs and thorns in their eyes".

Joshua said that God is faithful, and he will keep the promise of blessing as well as the promise of cursing. If Israel disobeys and abandons God, God will not continue to bless them, and Canaanites will eventually lead to the destruction of Israel.

Joshua ordered the people to "fear the Lord and serve him sincerely, and get rid of the gods your fathers served across the river and in Egypt, and serve the Lord".

Invite students to read the Bible together: Book 24: 15.

Israel must decide whether to serve the Lord's God or the Canaanite's God.

The people made a covenant before God to serve him.

Application: Now, as God's people, we have received too much grace and blessing in God's covenant. We also live among unbelievers. In school, in front of unbelieving families, how should we choose? Do we serve God or idols?

God is good. He gave the best to his people. When a man commits a crime, he has sinned against God, and he must bear the consequences of his crime. The Israelites were warned that if they fell into sin and served other gods, they would suffer bad consequences. If they don't drive the Canaanites out of this land and not just serve God, then all God's blessings to Israel will be lost. Like the Israelites, we were told to serve only God.

Conclusion: When we are tempted to serve other gods, we must stand firm, as Joshua said, "As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.".