The ancestors were born because Jiang Yuan could give birth to children. How to give birth to ancestors? Pray to the gods and offer sacrifices to the Emperor of Heaven, and pray for children to avoid childlessness. Stepping on God's thumbprint, the gods will protect you and bring good luck. The fetus moves sometimes and stays still. Once it is born and raised diligently, the child will be Zhou Houji.
The delivery period was over in ten months, and the delivery of the first child went smoothly. The birth gate is neither broken nor cracked, safe and healthy, and it has shown great aura. God was comforted in his heart, and he came to offer sacrifices with all his heart. Fortunately, he was indeed blessed with a son.
Newborn babies are abandoned in alleys, caring for and feeding cattle and sheep. Then he threw the baby into the forest and was rescued by a woodcutter. He also placed the baby on the ice, and the big bird warmed his wings. The big bird finally flew away, and Hou Ji started to cry. The cry was long and loud, filling the road with force.
Hou Ji is very good at crawling around, he is sensible and smart, and he has the ability to find food to eat. Soon we will be able to plant soybeans, and they will grow vigorously. The tender seedlings of millet are planted, the wheat and wheat grow vigorously, and the fruits of melons are abundant.
Houji plowed the fields and cultivated the land, and there was a way to discern the quality of the soil. Remove all dense weeds and select Jiahe for sowing. Soon new seedlings sprouted out, and the seedlings sprouted thinly upwards, jointed and headed well; the grains were plump and high-quality, and the ears were heavy and the harvest was good, which was a treasure to support the family.
God cares and gives you good seeds: you can see all the rice and seedlings, and all the red and white rice are available. Rice seeds are growing everywhere, and harvesting and stacking are very busy. Red rice and white rice are growing everywhere, and the warehouses are filled with loads of cargo on their backs, and they are busy with farm work and offering sacrifices to their ancestors.
How about worshiping ancestors? There are pounding grains and scooping rice, winnowing grains and sifting chaff. The sound of rustling rice is noisy, and the steaming rice is fragrant and hot. Prepare sacrifices to plan, wormwood tallow burns fragrance. The big fat ram was skinned and roasted for the gods to pray for a more abundant harvest in the coming year.
The sacrifices were placed in bowls and plates, wooden bowls and earthen basins came in handy, and the aroma filled the hall. God comes to enjoy it, and the food tastes really good. Houji initiated the ritual of offering sacrifices and praying to gods to prevent misfortune, which is still the case today.