The content of the poem "A Coin"

A coin in Borges

I set sail from Montevideo on this stormy cold night.

When I turned around Cerro,

On the upper deck, I left it behind.

A coin will glow and sink into the mud.

A bright thing, swallowed up by time and darkness.

I think I made an irreversible move.

Joined the history of this planet

Two consecutive, parallel, and perhaps infinite series:

My destiny is made up of fear, love and futile ups and downs.

The fate of that metal disk,

Running water will take it to the gentle abyss.

Still the vast sea, still biting.

Saxon or Viking trophies.

Every moment of my sleep and alertness

Another moment corresponds to blind coins.

Sometimes I feel guilty,

Sometimes it's jealousy,

Because you are in the maze of time, like us,

But I don't know anything.