So Mr. Wang wrote this eight-chapter poem, telling the king and his rule that the world can mourn and pity. The author says he is a gentleman, but he can't write a poem without being a gentleman.
Chen Huan pointed out: "A gentleman refers to a person in office. It is also an inversion to write this poem and sing it in memory of Mr. " Justice "means" the author speaks for himself as a gentleman ",which doesn't seem poetic. There is a difference between' Song of a Gentleman' and' Fu of Ji Fu'. "It seems that this problem should not be attributed to the understanding of the hole. It can be clearly seen from the prose of the whole poem that Confucius tried his best to melt the boundary between the common people and the gentleman, but he finally affirmed that "non-gentleman can't write poetry" and thought that the whole poem was written by a gentleman in view of the people's feelings, indicating that the elite concept of "politics by writing" is still the focus of his expression.
The second is "the poet saves the world". "Preface to Poetry" became sentimental and ended in courtesy. It is human nature to express feelings; Stop at the ceremony, the first king's ze also ","justice "sparse days:
History books have three winds and ten mistakes, and they are also sick. The poet's four beginnings and six meanings save medicine. If the husband's illness is still mild and there is a way out, then medical care is also sharp. Bian Que treated the prince and knew that he would be born. If the illness is serious and there is a tendency to die, then medical care will be very slow. Qin Hezhi saw fairness and knew it was impossible. It is still good for poets to save the world. The penalty is immortal, but it can be changed, so it is cut, and it is diligent to blame the king with "Mianshui". Prostitution is rampant. If it can't be saved, there will be few aspirations to remonstrate, such as "Qin Yi" and "Sang Zhong", so the counselor sighed and died. The custom of Chen and Zheng is dead, and the poet has praised the rules and regulations and will not change them. He has given his ambition and lamented it, but he dare not expect it. This is called remonstrance ambition.
This means that "Three Hundred Poems" is a good medicine to treat current political diseases. Just as a person's illness has priorities, doctors should pay more attention to it than deal with it urgently, so if the current political illness is still being punished, it can be corrected, and the poet's advice is urgent; If lewdness prevails and the world cannot be changed, the poet's remonstrance will be weak and he will only sigh for the world; When the country perished, the poet stopped protesting and gave himself ambition instead. In a word, poets write poems with the heart of saving the world.
On this basis, "Justice" emphasizes two functions of poetry. One is to "keep the team (fall down) when you leave". "preface to poetry" cloud:
Named a poet, Naize said that the gift of the son was "inherited by poetry" and noted: "The words of poetry are also inherited." "The Spring and Autumn Annals" says: "What you do is poetry, not planning, but thinking for your heart and thinking for your ambition. Poetry, as it says, is also a ambition. " "Poetry Weft with Fog" says: "The poet is persistent." But poetry has three precepts: inheritance, ambition and persistence. The author inherits the good and evil of the monarchy, narrates his ambition and writes poems. For the sake of poetry, he insisted on the journey of people so that he could not lose the team, so it was a three-training.
This motto is called "poem", and "righteousness" refers to ancient books, which leads to three meanings. The materials are arranged in chronological order, and Zhou Li is the earliest, so Naize ranks first. Chunqiu Shuo and Historical Records are both Wei books in Han Dynasty. The former's "Poetry for Speech" is similar to "Preface of Poetry". Perhaps justice thinks that it directly inherits Xia Zi's viewpoint, so it ranks second. The book Shiwei of Han and Wei Dynasties was written late, and its interpretation changed, so it came last. In the pre-Qin period, poetry shouldered the heavy responsibility of etiquette system education, so it was called "inheritance". I noticed the existence of people who wrote poems in the early Han Dynasty. Poetry is the poet's ambition, so it is called "ambition". Peng further realized the influence of poetry on readers. Liu Xieyun said: "Poets are persistent and human; Cover with three hundred, meaning' not guilty', which is a kind of training. " It is believed that the persistence of poetry is to correct people's temperament, and the naivety of poetry also conforms to this meaning. Justice thinks that the persistence of poetry is not sentimental, but "supporting people's journey so that they don't fall down", which is also prominent in Justice in Three Instructions on Poetry. The transformation between "emotion" and "behavior" expresses the different understanding of poetry in the two eras, which is of far-reaching significance.
Second, "the article stabbed the former dynasty and intended to be contemporary." In the preface of the poem "Elegant and Confident", it is thought that "Wei Gong stabbed Li Wang and also committed suicide", and the annotation interprets "suicide and suicide" as "if you flow like a spring, you will die without falling down". Justice omits the annotation and says:
Although Wu Gong was not a minister of the king, he was also a scholar of the imperial court. If he is defeated, he will be defeated. Otherwise, he hopes to stay away from the wicked and avoid their suffering. Although he stabbed the former dynasty, it really meant contemporary, so he recited this sentence to punish the police.
The preface does not say when Wei Wugong wrote this poem, nor does the annotation. According to historical records, Wei Wugong ascended the throne in 16 years. So when Li Wang is a vassal, he is just an illegitimate child. "If you have no job, good and evil are unprepared. You shouldn't make a poem that stabbed the king. " Therefore, justice is attached to the viewpoints of Guoyu Chu Yu and Zhao Wei, and it is believed that Wei Wugong launched a crackdown on 1995. But at this time, writing poetry is far away from Li Wang, and the direct significance of thorn seems to be small. Kong also gently pointed out that serious and beautiful poems can be used by people in the later dynasties to chase the former king, and thorn poems can also be used to chase the former king. Although this poem pricks the sins of past lives, it means to warn against things that haven't happened yet. Therefore, the value and significance of the poem "Suppression" can be summarized as "stabbing the former dynasty and meaning the present". Kong demonstrated the time and significance of Wei Wugong's poetry in detail, aiming at upholding the view that "a gentleman can't write poetry". Since a gentleman refers to a person in office, Wei Wugong must write poems when he is in office. Secondly, it is necessary to show that the function of poetry is "intended to be contemporary", which is the actual situation of suppressing creation. But Confucius has another meaning, that is, the practical significance of his comments, which is also carried out in accordance with the concept of "meaning the present".
Thus, Kong's "poetic politics" theory is a very well-structured theoretical system. It supports "fatalism politics" with "non-gentleman can't write poetry" and "poet saves the world", and examines the role of poetry in expressing politics with "sticking to people's actions without falling" and "stabbing the former dynasty with contemporary meaning". There are both theoretical proposals and theoretical tests. This has an important relationship with its background.
Before justice, there were two different theories about the essence of poetry, namely, "Poetry expresses aspiration" and "Poetry is based on emotion". In the pre-Qin period, poetry was inseparable from politics and religion. Whether it is "giving poetry a clear idea", "giving poetry a clear idea" or "teaching poetry a clear idea" (Zhu Ziqing's summary), or the speeches of various factions are mostly closely related to politics, it is generally believed that the function of poetry in this period is "expressing aspirations". However, since the Preface to Poetry, the theory of "expressing ambition in poetry" began to change, and the element of "emotion" was introduced, which was basically presented in the poetry creation and poetics theory of the whole Han Dynasty. During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the status of emotion rose again. At this time, the word "expressing ambition" is rarely used in poetry articles. The status of "emotion" is rising constantly, and finally it is out of control. Palace-style poems, which mainly describe eroticism, began to flood in the field of poetry creation. This defiled atmosphere prevailed until the revision of the Five Classics of Justice. In this case, Confucius took the lead in resisting this trend within the Confucian classics system. The most effective way of resistance is to advocate the restoration of the tradition of "expressing one's will through poetry". However, the Wei, Jin and Six Dynasties did not completely abandon the theory of "expressing ambition with poetry", so simply advocating "expressing ambition with poetry" cannot fundamentally deny the habits of the Six Dynasties. Therefore, Confucius put forward the viewpoint that "poetry is related to politics" extremely, and put the whole Confucian classic outside the political and religious height of "expressing ambition" for explanation and annotation, and carefully constructed a theoretical system for it.