The fragrance of beans, wheat and beautiful wild flowers on both sides is mixed with breeze; Everyone was intoxicated by the breeze. The continuous mountains in the distance, like the beautiful colors of pictures, quickly came behind the car, but I felt that the car was slow. We rested for four times and vaguely saw the green farm, as if we heard the cock crow. There are still a few phone calls, which should be from the farm, but they may also be from the village.
That cry is probably the cock's cry, which is sharp and unpleasant, and makes me fidgety, but it hurts. I feel that I will die with it in the breeze with the fragrance of beans, wheat and wild flowers.
The barking of dogs is clearly audible, and it really is a farm; I only remember seeing this farm before. This is a small farm facing the green hills. I went there last year and saw a beautiful rooster crouching to hatch eggs, and a puppy hiding in the grass. After the farm, the dog ran across the grass, and then several barks followed.
Thank you for waiting. The parody ability of 4 paragraphs is limited. I hope I can help you.