Original text
The two sons took a boat to see the scenery. I would like to express my thoughts about my son and take care of him!
The two sons took a boat and passed away. Is it harmful to wish to express my thoughts about my son?
Two friends took a side boat and drifted down the river to travel far away.
The feeling of longing suddenly rose, and my heart was filled with worry and sadness.
Two friends took a small boat and drifted down the river.
I only hope that we will miss each other often and that you two will reach the other side smoothly.
This is a farewell poem to a friend. Most scholars believe that it is a poem written by the people in memory of the two sons of Duke Xuang of Wei. After listening to the slanders of Xuan Jiang and his son Shuo, Duke Xuang of Wei ordered an ambush and assault at the place where Prince Ji passed by. After hearing the news, Shou, the half-brother of Prince Ji, hurriedly informed Ji. Ji was thinking about his own parents. His brother was so cruel to him, so he became disheartened and decided to let Wei Xuangong get his wish. But Shuo couldn't bear to see his brother die in vain, so he got drunk and pretended to be Ji. There were ambushes along the road and people were killed. After Ji woke up, he quickly chased after Shuo and found that Shuo was dead. Ji shouted to the ambushers, "I am the real Ji, please kill me!" They laid an ambush and killed Ji together. Later, in order to commemorate these two princes, the Chinese people circulated this poem.
However, if we carefully analyze the artistic conception of this poem, the green river water, the steep rocks, the tall shrubs, and the boats flowing down the river cannot be associated with the atmosphere of being hunted. In such a beautiful artistic conception, it seems more poetic if it is understood as a farewell from a friend.
Among the farewell poems of the ancients, Li Bai's "Farewell to Meng Haoran in Guangling" wrote: The shadow of the lone sail in the distance is gone in the blue sky, and only the Yangtze River can be seen flowing in the sky. It is very similar to the artistic conception of this poem. On the endless river, the friend's ship gradually drifts away and slowly disappears on the far river. Only the farewell person is left, standing alone in the distance, looking at the green river. The spring water is full of worries and concerns.
Original statement
? This article was originally published by The Book of Songs. Please indicate the source when reprinting!