A thousand miles to Jiangling can be returned in one day, where the distance is: thousand miles, and the time is: one day; then the approximate speed can be obtained.
Using the boat as a reference, the position between the people in the boat and the boat has not changed, so the people in the boat are stationary.
The monkeys on both sides of the bank can't stop crying, and the light boat has passed the Ten Thousand Mountains. If the river bank, the mountain, and the trees on the mountain are used as reference objects, the position of the light boat and any one of them has changed. The light boat is moving. When the people on the canoe are used as reference objects, the positions of the canoe and the people on the canoe do not change, and the canoe is stationary.
So the answer is: "The apes on both sides of the strait can't stop crying, and the boat has passed the Ten Thousand Mountains"; the relativity of movement and stillness.