The light snow was falling in the sky and it seemed that it was no longer so gray. I held up a small umbrella and wandered in the pure white. Inadvertently, I walked a long way. Only the quiet snow accompanied me. It fell quietly. So I stretched out my hand and the snow fell into my hand and disappeared in an instant. Only a tear was left, expressing its confusion. Maybe the snow...
Snow is lighter than some words
p>Some words
are like big and small stones
Snow falling on the head
on the shoulders
Also Two or three pieces
fall on the glasses
The snow on the glasses
melts the earliest
slowly drips down
Tears are like that too
When stones
fly from the opposite side
How many grudges have been forgotten?
Clean as jade,
Purify the soul and soul.
Who can say a thousand words?
Under the snow-capped mountains,
blood and fire are flowing.
Bandari’s first snow
Although my eyes
cannot withstand your intense test
My soul
Just waiting for your quiet voice... Is it what you need...?