(1) Full rhyme and half rhyme. The whole rhyme is strict rhyme, why-sigh; Hate-late; Fight-happiness; Power-flowers; Today-leave; Ending-bending. If only the vowels are the same and the pronunciation is different, it does not conform to the whole rhyme: for example, blood-hood;; There-here; Went alone; This situation is called "eye rhyme". Although poets sometimes use it, it is not a real rhyme. Only the consonants are the same or only the vowels are the same: the vowels are different, and the front and back consonants are the same, which is called harmony, such as: black, block; Creak, quack; Reader, rider; Despise, punish. The vowels are the same, and then the consonants are the same, which is called harmony, such as lake and fate; Time, mind.
(2) Ending rhyme and inner rhyme are placed on the last stressed syllable of the line, which is called ending rhyme. This is the most common rhyming part in English poetry. The rhyme between the stressed syllable paused in the middle of a line and the last stressed syllable of the line is called in-line rhyme. Such as: spring, sweet spring, is a pleasant king in a year; Then everything blooms, and then the girls dance in a circle.
(3) The rhyme of Yang rhyme and Yin rhyme is limited to the last syllable stressed in the poem line, which is called male rhyme or single rhyme, which sounds very powerful. Such as: late, fate; Hill, fill; Enjoy, destroy. Rhyme is placed on two syllables, and the last syllable is not stressed, which is called female rhyme or double rhyme, which sounds light or graceful. Such as: lighting lights and fighting; Sports, the ocean; Victory, start. Look at the following poem:
I'm coming, little girl,
Full of pleasant sunshine;
Feed honey to bees,
Flowers bloom for the tree.
The first two lines are female rhymes, and the last two lines are male rhymes. There are also many English poems that don't rhyme. Poems that don't rhyme are called blank poems. It is often used in drama and narrative poetry. Shakespeare's plays and Milton's Paradise Lost are both written in blank verse. Rhyme poetry is called rhyming poetry, which is the difference between blank poetry and free verse. Although blank verse does not rhyme, it has a fixed rhythm, and the promotion and suppression of pentameter is the most common. The rhythm of free verse is not fixed, just like the vernacular.
This explanation is very complicated. Let's practice and write a poem together. You said a word to me, we wrote poems together, and finally spelled out two poems, which made people laugh and be generous.
The first song: You are my sunshine after the rain,
When I see you, I will go crazy,
When you smile, your eyes shine,
I feel like I am in heaven.
The second song: You are the most important person in the world.
You fly freely like a lovely bird,
You are my angel, singing and dancing in my heart,
No one can separate us.