Lecture Notes "The Treasure God Gives You" Genesis 43:15-34 05262019

It rains a lot today, sometimes heavy and sometimes light, sometimes light and sometimes heavy. Before worshiping, I felt like I had a little more awe in my heart. I still couldn't concentrate when I was singing hymns. I thought it was funny that Weilu was stuck on the first line.

The sermons I heard still seemed to have the same principles, but they were no longer as disdainful or indifferent as in the past few months. There seemed to be some holy voice of awe reminding me that God’s way is my only one. The way out is one that should be embraced and trusted with joy. When I left, I told the pastor that I was moved by what I heard, but I thought it was a false religious emotion and I firmly believed that I would recover tomorrow. The pastor said that you cannot measure your emotions with experience and feelings, but with the words of the Bible. I say, otherwise is it a theology of glory? The pastor said, yes, otherwise this would be the theology of glory. Today’s understanding of the theology of glory has once again improved.

Just using the words of the Bible to test your feelings seems even more unbearable.

Although I felt a lot of spiritual progress after listening to the sermon today, I still have very unspiritual emotions and am still unable to worship normally. It's just that I was determined to disdain it before, but today my heart is slightly touched. Joseph cried and Joseph's brothers seemed more distant than three thousand years.

What is treasure? What is my treasure? Is Christ Jesus my treasure?

The key points of today’s sermon-1) You must realize that Jesus Christ is the real treasure given to you by God; 2) You must realize that Christ is willing to give Himself to you because of His love for you .

Recently, it has been continuously mentioned that Joseph is a type of Christ. Because Joseph loved his brothers, he was willing to see God’s good intentions in them, and he was willing to use his own suffering to save Jacob’s family. Doesn’t the true Christ love you more deeply? Christ's love for washing the disciples' feet, the subversion of the cross - do we use our whole lives to trust and believe? What is our heart really like? Do we trust fully in Christ, the only sacrifice for sin and eternal life? John 13:1 - Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.

I want to repent for my unbelief, but I have been spiritually unconscious for too long and it gives me a headache just thinking about it.