The qualification to call God the father

The Oracle of the Lord concerning Israel. The Lord, who stretched out the heavens and laid the foundation, and put the spirit in man, said.

1. Calling God the Father requires qualifications.

2 Corinthians. So that we won't lose heart. Although the outer body is destroyed, the inner body is new.

Thessalonians 5:23 May the God of peace himself sanctify you completely. May your spirit, soul and body be completely blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The seed is the word (truth) of God.

Luke 8: 1 1 This is a metaphor. The seed is the word of God.

This parable means that what you see is the word of God.

Seeds: characteristics are crucial and unique.

Father gave seeds and gave birth to foreign bodies? God gave seeds and gave birth to souls.

The Gospel of John 1: 1 In the beginning, there was a saying that the Tao was with God, and the Tao was God.

John 1:2 This road has been with God from the beginning.

John 1:3 Everything was created through him. Everything that was made was not made by him.

John 1:4 Life is in him. This life is man's light.

The Way to Start = Life = Light = God

John 8:4 1 You are doing what your father did. They said, we were not born of fornication. We only have one father, God.

John 8:42 Jesus said to them, If God were your father, you would love me. Because I am from God, and I am from God. I didn't come by myself, he sent me.

John 8:43 Why do you not understand my words? Just because you don't listen to me.

John 8:44 You have come from your father the devil and are determined to do what your father wants. He was a murderer from the beginning and didn't keep the truth. Because there is no truth in his heart, he lies out of himself, because he is a liar and the father of liars.

John 8:45 Because I tell you the truth, and you do not believe me.

The first day of Jesus' birth:

Descendants of god-descendants of the devil.


Children of the devil persecute children of God.

The Second Coming of Jesus:

The metaphor of barnyard grass:

The son of man sowed good seeds, and the devil sowed barnyard grass.

Man: the son of man; Field: religious circles.

Wait until the son of man harvests for a while.

Harvest Festival: The End of the World

Matt 24:3 Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, and his disciples came to him privately and said, "Tell us, when will these things happen? What are the signs of your arrival and the end of the world?

14: 14 I looked again and saw a white cloud. On the cloud sat a man who looked like a son of man, with a golden crown on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand.

Mt 13:23 He who is sown on good ground understands and bears fruit, some a hundred times, some sixty times and some thirty times.

Mt 13:24 Jesus told them another parable, saying that the kingdom of heaven is like a man sowing good seeds in a field.

Mt 13:25 When people were sleeping, an enemy came, sowed barnyard grass in the wheat and left.

When Tai 13:26 long seedlings headed, barnyard grass also appeared.

Mt 13:27 and the servant of the master of the house came and told him, saying, Lord, didn't you sow good seed in your field? Where did barnyard grass come from?

Matt 13:28 and the master said, this was done by the enemy. The servant said, shall we scoop it up?

T 13:29 the master said, no, I'm afraid the barnyard grass will also be pulled out.

Matt 13:30 let them grow together and wait for the harvest. When harvesting, I will say to the reaper, pick up the barnyard grass first, bind it into bundles and keep it for burning. Only wheat should be collected in the barn.

Matt 13:37 Jesus answered and said to him, He who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man.

The field is the world. Good kind, son of heaven. Barnyard grass is the son of evil.

The enemy who sowed barnyard grass is the devil. The harvest time is the end of the world. Death is an angel.

Mat 13:40 Pick up barnyard grass and burn it with fire. The end of the world will be the same.

2. How to be a child of God

1. Need to be reborn.

John 3:3 Jesus answered and said to him, Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

John 3:4 Nicodemus said, How can a man be born again when he is old? Can it be reborn in its mother's womb?

John 3:5 Jesus said to him, Truly, truly, I say to you, a man cannot enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Holy Spirit.

The road to rebirth is to look at the kingdom and face of God.

Rebirth material: water+holy spirit

Water: the Language of Life (One Wash)

Deuteronomy 32:2 My teaching will drop like rain. My words will drop like dew, like drizzle on tender grass, like showers on vegetables.

John 15:3 Now you are clean because of the word I told you.

Pentecost (second washing)

Acts 2: 4 And when they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, they began to speak other languages according to the eloquence given by the Holy Spirit.

Rev.22 1 The angel also showed me that there was a river of living water in the middle of the street in the city, bright as crystal, flowing from the thrones of God and Lamb.

Rev 2 1:2 and I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, descending from heaven from God, ready, just like a bride dressed up for her husband.

Rev 2 1:3 I heard a loud voice coming out of the throne, saying, Look, the tabernacle of God is among men. He will live with people and they will become his people. God will be with them and become their God.

Holy city arrival (may your country come)

The whole holy city has come, on a large scale.

2. The quality of God's children

Ephesians 4:2 1 If you listen to him, learn from him and understand his truth,

Ephesians 4:22 Get rid of the old man whose previous behavior. The old man's health is gradually failing because of the confusion of selfish desires.

Ephesians 4:23 and renew your mind.

Ephesians 4:24 and put on the new man. This new man is made in the image of God, with truth, justice and holiness.

When the old man heard the truth, he got rid of the old man (the temptation of selfish desires), changed his mind and put on new clothes (new people)

Image of God: Righteousness and Sanctity of Truth (Truth+Righteousness and Sanctity)

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