If I had a pair of invisible wings, I would fly far away with kindness: let those thieves turn over a new leaf; Let everyone be helpful; Let those murderers "turn their subordinates' knives into buddhas." "
If I have a pair of invisible wings, I want happiness to live on earth forever: let those children who have lost their homes live a happy life; Make people smile every day; Let those poor children get a happy and beautiful family.
If I have a pair of invisible wings, I want to be clean and stay with us forever: to make the sewer crystal clear; Make the home clean like a beautiful picture; Make the green hills greener, the blue sky bluer and the white clouds whiter. ...
If I have a pair of invisible wings, I hope peace will always accompany us: let the evil bullets stop threatening the "flower of peace"; Let the two sides of the war shake hands and make peace; Let the arsenal disappear from the earth.
I will use all my magical powers to make the earth full of hope, to keep kindness in the world forever, to make people live happily, to make their homes clean and picturesque, and to make the world peaceful forever.