_ My brother pretended to yawn and blew dandelion fluff on my face. In this way, these actually insignificant dandelions have brought us a lot of happiness. 1 day, I got up early to go fishing and found that the grass was not golden, but green. At night, the grass turns green again. Why is this? I came to the grass and examined it carefully, and found that the petals of dandelion were closed.
How to complete sentences on the lovely grassland full of dandelions? Lovely grass in full bloom with dandelions.
What can be added is that the lovely grassland is full of interesting dandelions.
What a lovely meadow! What an interesting dandelion!
1. What a narrow bridge, what a flexible fat man.
2. What an attractive bone and what an interesting puppy.
What spectacular flowers and beautiful roses.
4. What a tenacious wasteland, what a tenacious grass.
What a wonderful song and warm applause. What a beautiful dance and touching song.
What a lovely dandelion! What an interesting dandelion! Is it a parallelism sentence?
No, parallelism requires the use of three or more phrases or sentences with related or similar meanings, the same structure or similar tone, so as to enhance the language potential. There are only two of you, so it's not parallelism. More than three sentences are considered parallelism. . . Hello, these two sentences are not parallelism. Parallelism is characterized by juxtaposing three or more phrases or sentences with similar meaning, same structure or similar tone, which is called parallelism. Parallelism is a sentence composed of parallelism. Let me give you an example: for example, in Zhu Ziqing's article Spring, there are some parallelism sentences, "The mountains are moist, the water is long, and the sun is blushing." Rain is the most common example of parallelism, such as cow hair, flower needles, filaments and so on. In terms of parallelism, you can get a coherent effect; Parallelism and lyricism, harmonious rhythm and full of emotion; Using parallelism to describe scenery can achieve the effect of clear hierarchy, delicate description and vivid image.