There is a Russian folk song from the World War II period, which contains a few lines: Let the sunset reflect in the white birch trees... My singing will be left on the trunks of the birch trees.

It’s called "White Birch".

I am caressing my golden hair.

I am stroking my golden braid. Pensive gaze

Look at the white birch above our heads

Listen to the birches above us

Whispering all night long

Березы, березы,

Little white birch, little white birch

родные березы не спят.

The little white birch rustles in the forest

Быть может, они напевают

Maybe it is singing that spring

знакомую песню весны,

Spring is familiar The song is rippling

быть может, они вспоминают

Maybe it reminds me of that year again

суровые годы войны.

Reminiscent of the grim times of the war.

Березы, березы,

Little white birch, little white birch

родные березы не спят.

The little white birch rustles in the forest

Неужто свинцовой метелью,

Could it be the fire set off by guns and cannons

земля запылает окрест,

will burn on the earth again

< p>и снова в солдатских шинелях,

Could it be that young people put on military uniforms

ребята уйдут от невест?

I have to leave home and go to the front again

Березы, березы,

Little white birch, little white birch

родные березы не спят.

The little white birch rustles in the forest

Я трогаю русые косы,

I caressed my golden braids

ловлю твой задумчивый взгляд.

Facing your thoughtful gaze

< p>Не спятпод Москвою березы,

White birches are whispering in the suburbs of Moscow

в Париже каштаны не спят.

The rustling of Paris chestnut trees

< p>Березы, березы,

Little white birch, little white birch

родные березы не спят.

The little white birch rustles in the forest

But The "White Birch Tree" you are talking about is obviously not this one, but another one created by the Chinese.