The most important reasons: God's will, the Bible's prophecy, and the Jews' curse on themselves.
When Pilate saw that it was useless to make trouble, he brought water and washed his hands in front of everyone, saying, "I am not guilty of shedding this righteous man's blood, so bear it! 」
And all the people answered and said, His blood shall be on us and on our children.
In the Old Testament, God said that one third of the people in Israel would be killed, while the Jews were killed by 6 million. At that time, there was180,000, just one third.
Mt. 2 1: 19 He saw a fig tree by the road, so he went to the front and found nothing but leaves on it. He said to the tree, "From now on, you will never bear fruit again!" " The fig tree withered immediately.
Figs refer to Israel (Jewish race)