Zheng Xie, a native of Banqiao, was a scholar in the first year of Qianlong. Know Fan county magistrate, love the people as a son. There is nothing left. Gong Yu needs to sing with the scribes, and some people forget that he is an officer. Seasoning county, famine years, people eat each other. Open a warehouse to help with loans, or stop lending and say, "When? As soon as the declaration comes out, the people will have no inheritance. I am responsible for this. " A batch of stones were distributed in the valley, so that people could live more than 10 thousand people by borrowing coupons. Shang Xian's family can. In autumn, I apologized again and donated cheap money to lose. On the day I go, I will take away the coupons and burn them. Wei people cherish virtue in order to establish a shrine. There are wizards, broad-minded and informal; In civil affairs, you should know everything. Go out at night, smell the sound of books and go out of the hut, inquire about Han Sheng's dream week, and help poor households with wages. Han Cheng Jinshi has the feeling of bosom friend. Guangdong Province has existed for 12 years, leaving no record and doing nothing unfair to the people. Begging for rest, bare bags, selling calligraphy and painting for a living. Li, who is a poet with Fan and Lu, is particularly good at his words. Books inside and outside Han Li are unique. I write Zhu Lan in my spare time, and I write freely, which makes my pen interesting. It needs next spring, and King Shen Jun salutes it. A coat is not only valuable at home, but also foreign clothes. The author of Banqiao Poetry Banknotes.
Zheng Xie, nicknamed Banqiao, was a scholar in the first year of Qianlong. When he was a magistrate in Fan County, Shandong Province, he loved the people as his own son. He refused gifts and bribes from others, handled government affairs diligently, and there was no backlog of official documents and files. After work, he drank wine and wrote poems with literati, and some people forgot that he was a county official. Later, he was transferred to wei county Prefecture. During the famine, people ate people. Zheng Xie opened the granary of the government to help the people. Someone dissuaded him (told him to ask for instructions from his superiors), and he said, "When is this? When you ask your superiors for instructions, there will be none left. If there is condemnation from my superiors, I will take responsibility. " So he took out a few stones of grain, asked the people to make good food receipts, and then distributed the grain to them, saving tens of thousands of people. The superior officer also praised his ability to handle affairs. When the harvest failed again in autumn, he took out his own money to pay taxes for the people. When he left his job, he burned everyone's IOUs. The people of Wei County thanked him and built a temple for him. Zheng Xie was born a genius with a broad mind and an informal personality, but he handled ordinary people's affairs carefully and must be considerate. When I went out at night, I heard the sound of reading from a small room. Only after asking did I know that this man was Han Mengzhou, a child of a poor family, so I gave him some living expenses to help him. After Han Sheng entered the Jinshi, he felt that Zheng Xie was his confidant. Zheng Xie has been an official in Shandong for twelve years, and he has never had a backlog of official duties, nor has he wronged anyone. Later, he asked to retire and go home, his pockets were empty, and he made a living by selling calligraphy and painting. His articles are magnificent, his poems imitate those of Fan Chengda and Lu You, and his words are particularly ingenious and beautiful. His calligraphy has the characteristics of Han Li, but it is unique and creative. Draw orchids and bamboos while writing poems. Although his paintings are casual, they can also be interesting. When he was on standby in Beijing, King Shen Jun (Yun, the word Qian Zhai) respected him very much. A piece of silk paper painted by Zheng Xie is extremely precious not only to domestic people, but also to foreigners. He is the author of Banqiao Poetry Banknotes and other books.