Zhang Zai's classic saying:
If a scholar wants to make progress, he must respect what he has done, and if he respects what he has done, he will stand firm! There is success if there is standing; No disrespect can stand; If you don't stand, you can hope to succeed!
this heaven and earth is benevolent. Benevolent people must ask for it, at first they must encourage it, and finally they will return to nature.
there are enough people, so which one is better than the other? The people are not enough, who is the gentleman?
There is inequality between the rich and the poor, and it is impossible to raise them. Although they want to be treated, they all try their best.
large and medium, the way of heaven and earth is also; Get big and medium, yin and yang ghosts and gods are inexhaustible.
if a man can do it, he will have a hundred, and if he can do it ten times, he will have a thousand.
the way of heaven and earth can be done in one word, and those who are kind to one thing all day long should know its importance and sum up its general idea, and one word is the best.
moral life is always in the immortal thing, and it is always there when you die.
with a limited mind, you can only ask for limited things; If you want something broad, you should seek it broad, knowing that everything is around and Dao Ji is the world.
if you don't forget your heart, it's just a matter of practice, but it's not a matter of truth. If you forget it, it's just a common thing for life.
although people have made meritorious deeds, they are not as good as learning, and their hearts should not be forgotten.
it's easy for a mortal to be above, but difficult to be below. However, you can't do it, you can't make it, and you don't do your best.
It's more ignorant to do what you know but don't believe. Scholars should learn that the middle way is defensible.
if you change your language before you learn, you will know that you will eventually suffer. The change of cover is not to be lightly discussed. If the language changes suddenly, you will know that the operation is not correct.
natural beauty is not enough for merit, but correcting evil is good, and correcting laziness is diligent.
People talk too much and settle for poverty, but in fact, they are just trying their best to overcome difficulties, so they can't make plans. If they move a little, they may not be willing to settle down.
scholars are ambitious, but they are still afraid of shallow gains, so the situation can be small, and if they are ambitious, they will only do one section. If they want to do it, they may not be able to believe it.
Make a correct foundation, and then practice. The way to practice requires both humility and courtesy, and internal and external inventions, which is also the way of internal and external.
people who can not doubt are virtuous, and the cover has not been confused in the big place. Although it has not been processed, thinking will always be here, and it will gradually change over time.
scholars know this, and they are worthy of doing what they choose to do.
Tao should seek truth from the plain, seek truth from the imaginary, and learn from the text, then it will become stronger and more sincere.
a gentleman doesn't have to avoid what others say, thinking that he is too soft and weak.
If you want something to stand, you must stand with your heart. If you don't respect your heart, you will be lazy. If you have no reason to stand, the sage will stand and the story will stand.
if you are sincere without courtesy, there is no sign, and if you are sincere, you can't see it.
If you are sincere, you will not stand without respect; If you can be respectful but not arrogant, you must be lenient and respectful when you enter the pass.
it's natural to be harmonious and healthy.
when scholars salute, people just think it's pedantic. He thinks pedantry is quick to me, and this is what I like.
it's also a habit to learn and doubt again, but it's also a habit to ignore. Therefore, it is not doubtful to learn etiquette, and those who are benevolent are also learning etiquette.
gifts don't have to come from people. If there is no one, the gifts of heaven and earth are natural. Why should they be fake to people?
courtesy is the virtue of heaven and earth. If you are like Yan Zi, you will be encouraged not to say anything if you are indecent, but not to move if you are indecent. Those who encourage, encourage with success.
the propriety is persistent, which is based on sex, persistence and anti-nature.