The second homework in North Language 12 in spring. Ask the great god for help

A, multiple-choice questions (*** 10 questions, *** 50 points. )

1. The following is not a decision-making feature (D).

A. Clear specific decision-making objectives

B. there are more than two choices.

C. knowledge-based and mastery of information

D. Pursuing the best and best solution

Full score: 5 points

2. The division of departments is to solve (b) of the organization.

A. Vertical structural problems

B. Horizontal structural problems

C. vertical coordination issues

D. Horizontal coordination issues

Full score: 5 points

3. In the process of forecasting, if there is a lack of or difficulty in obtaining enough data, and judgment is mainly based on personal experience and knowledge, then (b) is needed.

A. Simple average method

B. Qualitative prediction method

C. Quantitative forecasting methods

D. Time series method

Full score: 5 points

4. When the organization scale is fixed, the relationship between the organization level and the management scope is (C).

A. direct ratio

B. Index

C. proportion

D. interrelationships

Full score: 5 points

5. The so-called "hard technology" decision-making method refers to (d).

A. Marginal analysis method

B. Subjective decision-making methods

C. Scientific decision-making methods

D. Measurement decision-making method

Full score: 5 points

6. The highest decision-making level of an organization, due to complicated and changeable work and other factors, its management scope should generally be (D).

A. Moderately wide doesn't matter whether it is wide or narrow.

C. random arrangement is wise

D. Appropriate reduction

Full score: 5 points

7. Decentralization is characterized by (a).

A. Empower subordinates with appropriate decision-making power

B. Full decentralization

C. Strengthen the control of subordinates

D. Promoting democratic management

Full score: 5 points

8. Linear organizational structure is generally applicable to (d).

A. Large organizations

B. Small organizations

C. Organizations in need of professional functional management

D. Small organizations that do not need to achieve professional management through functions

Full score: 5 points

9. The following organizational structure with the highest degree of decentralization is (D).

A. linear systems

B. Linear staff system

C. Linear functional employee system

D. division system

Full score: 5 points

10. (c) division is generally adopted.

A. products

B. region

C. function

D. time

Full score: 5 points

Second, multiple-choice questions (* * 10 questions, *** 50 points. )

1. The decision-making procedure generally includes (ACDE).

A. Determine decision-making objectives

B. Setting the premise

C. Development options

D. Selection of alternatives

E. Choose a scheme

Full score: 5 points

2. In general, the decisions made by the lower-level executives of the organization tend to be (BCD).

A. Strategic type

B. empirical

C. conventional types

D. active type

E. Risk types

Full score: 5 points

3. The shortcomings of matrix organization mainly include (AB).

A. poor stability

B. Dual leadership

C. poor adaptability

D. Difficult to coordinate

E. Lack of flexibility

Full score: 5 points

4. The types of permissions are (automatic call distributor).

A. Linear authority

B. Line staff rights

C. Functions and powers of staff

D. Functions and powers

E. permissions of employees with linear functions

Full score: 5 points

5. According to the length of time involved, the forecast can be divided into (BCD).

A. Ultra-long-term prediction

B. Long-term forecast

C. Medium-range forecast

D. Short-term forecast

E. ultra-short-term forecast

Full score: 5 points

6. According to the relationship between variables in decision, there is (ADE).

A. Positive decision-making

B. Strategic decision-making

C. tactical decision-making

D. Non-affirmative decision-making

E. Risk decision-making

Full score: 5 points

7. The advantages of dividing departments by region are (ACD).

A. this is conducive to improving coordination within the region.

B. it is conducive to improving regional coordination.

C. Conducive to the cultivation of management talents

D. it is conducive to obtaining the economic benefits of regional management.

E. it is conducive to strengthening the control of the competent authorities.

Full score: 5 points

8. The division system is suitable for (CD).

A. Small businesses

B. Website management

C. Large enterprises

D. transnational corporations

E. Private enterprises

Full score: 5 points

9. The characteristics of organizational work are (BCE).

A. accurate

B. dynamic

C. A process

D. likewise

E. consider the influence of informal organizations

Full score: 5 points

10. The advantage of horizontal organization is (Abe).

A. Shorten the distance between superiors and subordinates

B. Rapid vertical flow of information

C. Close supervision of subordinates

D. Suitable for horizontal coordination

E. Low management cost

Full score: 5 points