English rhetorical techniques

Example 1: Fat reserves are like bank accounts to be drawn on in the winter when food suppliers are limited and some times difficult to reach because of deep snow.

Example 2:Every tree and every branch was encrusted with bright and delicate hoarfrost, white and pure as snow, delicate and defined as carved ivory. delicate and graceful

light as a breeze, soft as a cloud.

As light as the breeze blowing on your face, as soft as the clouds in the sky

Differences between Chinese and English similes:

1. as hard as nails

2 .as thin as a lath Skinny as a stick

3. as poor as a church mouse

4. as timid as a rabbit

5. like mushroom mushrooms after rain

All the world is a stage, and all the men and women merely players.

While we cannot close the gulf between us, we can try to bridge it so that we may be able to talk across it.

Money is a bottomless sea, in which honor, conscience and truth may be drowned.

Passion was to go to sleep in the presence of Mrs.General and blood was to change to milk and water.

Differences between Chinese and English:

drink like a fish ox drink

as cunning as a dead pig is as cunning as a fox

Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.

Every life has its roses and thorns.

And since Wahington's budget alchemy permits the current generation to spend whatever it wants on retire income and health programs and pass the tab on to their children, who wants to pay more?

The U.S. government's budget alchemy

Mary's two daughters are different in their personalities in a thousand and one ways.

For she was beautiful–her beauty made the bright world dim, and everything beside seemed like the fleeting image of shade.

The fleeting smoke

Then night, like some great loving mother, gently lays her hand at our fevered head, and turns our little tear–stained face up to hers, and smiles, and, though she does not speak, we know that she would say and lay our hot, flushed cheek against her bosom and the pain is gone.

The moon rose from behind the copse, nearly full and the two lights struggled till moonlight conquered, changing the color and quality of all the garden, stealing along the flagstones reaching their feet, climbing up, changing their faces.

Translation: The nearly full moon Rising from behind the bushes, the moonlight and dusk competed with each other. In the end, the moonlight won. It changed the appearance and atmosphere of the entire garden. The moonlight sneaked along the stone path to their feet, and gradually climbed up, making them There was a change in his face.

The big man crashed down on a protesting chair.

The big man sat down and the chair creaked, as if in protest
