For example, let me give you an example. It is necessary for people to eat every day, but big fish and meat must be destroyed. It is ok for a man to take a wife, but you must destroy concubinage. Therefore, in some cases, people can meet the basic needs of life, and they are satisfied without excessive material needs. If they take it away again, it will be necessary to destroy it. A person can only marry one wife. You three wives and four concubines are wasting productivity and resources, and you must eliminate them, which will lead to drowsiness all day and rot there, and you must eliminate them.
Maintaining justice is a good analogy to one's daily life. It is necessary for me to have breakfast and drink water. Of course, this is a metaphor for appropriate needs. Nowadays, people in society often don't regard "upholding justice" as an important concept, so in our view, today's society needs this concept.
In fact, there is nothing wrong with killing people's desires. You know, in today's society, people's desires are increasing step by step. For example, you personally want to buy a luxury item, but you need one, which is enough. However, you are thinking of endless ways to get it, and your desire is increasing, which is extremely scary for people's desires. Therefore, to stifle excessive desires, it is often enough to be alone in life.
Whether it is to preserve justice or destroy human desires, this sentence is very worth learning. Know what you need, not excessive or greedy.