After Jacob and Laban parted, they took two wives, two concubines, 1 1 children, a large group of livestock and servants and went to Canaan. When he walked to the east of his brother Esau's place, he was inevitably nervous, so he sent someone to see Esau to tell him the news of his return and test Esau's attitude towards him. The messenger came back and told Jacob that Esau had come to meet him with 400 men. After hearing this, Jacob was very anxious. He divided his entourage and livestock into two teams in case of accidents. Once Esau attacks one team, the other team can escape. That night, Jacob prayed to God again. The next day, Jacob chose 200 ewes, 20 goats and sheep, dozens of camels, cows and donkeys from the livestock as gifts for Esau. He divided the livestock into several groups, keeping a certain distance between each group, and each group was driven by a servant and walked in front of him and his family. He said to these servants, "When they see Esau, if they ask him who these livestock belong to, they will answer," It belongs to your servant Jacob. He will give them to his master Esau as a gift, and he himself is behind us. " Jacob wanted to win Esau's favor with this generous gift so that Esau could forgive his brother when he met him. On the same day, Jacob sent the cattle driver away first, and then sent his wife, wife and children across the Yabo River at night, leaving him alone in the back of the house. That night, in the dark, he saw a man coming and wrestling with him, and both sides fell together until dawn. Seeing that he couldn't beat Jacob, the man touched his thigh, which was dislocated. The man pulled away to go, and Jacob held on tightly and said, "I won't let you go unless you bless me!" " The man asked him, "What's your name?" Jacob replied, "Jacob." The man said, "From now on, your name is no longer Jacob. You won the battle with God and man, so you must change your name to Israel. Jacob asked the visitor's name again, and the man said, "Don't ask. "Then he blessed Jacob. Jacob faced God face to face and was glad that he was still alive, so he changed the place to Kunnuel (meaning "God's face"). Jacob had to limp because of a dislocated leg. Since then, because Jacob sprained his leg socket, the descendants of Israel have stopped eating the hamstrings of livestock.
When Jacob saw Esau coming with 400 men, he divided his children, wives and concubines into three groups. The first group was led by two concubines, the second group by Leah, and finally by Rachel and Yue Se. Jacob walked in front. Jacob fell to the ground seven times when he was near his brother. Esau ran to meet him, and they embraced and kissed, tears streaming down their faces. Esau saw a group of women and children behind Jacob and asked who these people were. Jacob replied, "They are all given to me by God." So the two concubines and their sons Leah and their children Rachel and Yue Se came together and bowed down to Esau. Esau asked about the animals ahead, and Jacob said it was a gift for him. Esau said, "Brother, I don't want anything. Keep it for yourself. " Jacob said, "No, if you like me, you must accept them. You are so kind to me. I see you as if I saw God. " Esau refused again and again, and Jacob begged him to accept it.
Esau invited Jacob to go to Edom with him. Jacob was still wary of Esau, so he insisted that Esau go first and meet him in Edom, on the grounds that he was dragging his children and a large herd of livestock and was slow to move. When Esau began to return to the east, Jacob changed his direction, returned to Zoige to the west, crossed the Jordan River, and came to the city of Shechem in Canaan, where he bought a piece of land and camped.