How to type letters on the keyboard

How to type pinyin letters on the keyboard?

The 26 keyboard letters are as follows


VWwXxYyZz comparison of uppercase and lowercase letters.

Pronunciation: a [ah] b [wave] c [times] d [de] e [amount] f [Buddha] g [brother] hh [drink] I [clothes ]J[ chicken ]K[ subject ]L[ le ]M[ touch ]N[ en]

O [oh] p [slope] q [seven] r [day] s [silk] TT [special] u [Ukraine] v [fish] w [Ukraine] x [west] y [clothes ]Z[ capital]

There are 23 vowels and 24 vowels, and the whole syllable is 16.

First, Chinese phonetic initials: refers to the consonants at the beginning of syllables.

Final: refers to the part of a syllable after the initial.

Syllables: the basic structural unit of pronunciation and the smallest phonetic fragment naturally felt. It consists of initials and finals.


Generally speaking, a Chinese character represents a syllable.

Initial consonant: 23 bpmfdtnlgkhjqxzhchshrzcsyw23 is lightly pronounced.

Standard pronunciation: b[ glass ]p[ slope ]m[ touch ]f[ Buddha]

Gingival sound (tongue tip sound): d[ de ]t[ te ]n (ne) l (le)

Tongue root sound (soft palate sound): g[ brother ]k[ family ]h[ drink]

Tongue sound (hard palate sound, gingival palate sound): j[ machine ]q[ seven ]x[ west]

Flat voice: z[ zi ]c[ sub ]s[ si]

Warp: zh[ knowledge ]ch[ food ]sh[ teacher ]r[ day] (retrogingival sound, retrolingual sound) y[ clothing ]w[ black]

Vowel: pronounced with a loud voice: aoeiu ü aieiuiaouiie ü eeraneninun ü nang eng 24.

Standard pronunciation: a[ ah ]o[ oh ]e[ goose ]i[ clothes ]u[ house ]u[ fish ]ai[ love ]ei[ er ]ui[ health ]ao[ coat ]ou[ Europe ]iu[ excellent ]ie[ leaf ]u e[ about]

Er [ear] an [en] in [cause] un [temperature] ü n [dizzy] ang [ang] eng [eng] ing [eng] Weng.

Overall recognition syllable: Zhiyiwuyuyuyeyuyuanyuying16.

Standard pronunciation: Zhi [Zhi] Chi [Shi] Zi [Zi] Zi [Ci] Si [Si] Yi [Yi] Wu [Wu] Yu [Yu] Ye [Ye].

Yue [about] Yuan [grievance] Yin [sound] Yun [halo] Ying [eagle]

Monovowel: Pronunciation sound is loud and long, aoeiu ≤ 6.

Compound vowel: Aieiuiaoouiuieuer 9.

Pronasal vowel: refers to the pinyin ending with "n", such as aneninun ≤ n5.

Postnasal vowel: refers to the four angengingong4 ending in "ng" in pinyin.

There is a great difference between the front nasal sound and the back nasal sound: the front nasal sound ends in n and the back nasal sound ends in ng.

Anterior nasal sounds consist of vowels and nasal tails. The nasal ending is -n, when you pronounce -N, you should press the tip of your tongue on the upper gum, and the soft palate droops to let the air flow from it.

The nasal cavity is exposed, and the tip of the tongue is against the back of the upper teeth. [English pronunciation]

Eng behind the nose begins with e, and then the base of the tongue retracts and touches the soft palate. Airflow comes out of the nasal cavity, which is the root of the tongue. Raise the base of your tongue.

Pinghua pronunciation: zcs has three [Pinyin begins with "z, c, s"].

Warp: zhchshr has four [pinyin starts with "zh, ch, sh, r"

Er is a special vowel, sometimes classified as a compound vowel and sometimes as a special vowel alone.

Note: keyboard input ü is sometimes V, for example, the green pinyin is lv.

How to type letters on the computer by pressing the alphabet keyboard?

The letter keys of the keyboard can't type letters, only numbers, because the keyboard input function has been switched, and the recovery method is as follows:

1, just close the keypad. However, due to different notebook designs of notebook manufacturers, there are different ways to close and open the keypad, but almost all of them are Fn key+numeric lock key, or Shift key+numeric lock key.

2. Close some brands of laptop keyboard method:

HP HP DV series-Fn+Numlock key (Num and Scroll are on the same key)

HP HP Compaq CQ Series -Fn+ scroll key (key after F 12)

3. Dell Inspiron series -FN+F4 key (F4 key icon has a small lock in the lower right corner, and there is a number 9 in the lock, which is the Num key)

Dell Dell Vostro Series -Fn+ Digital Lock Key

4.IBM IBM-Shift+Numlock key

Lenovo Thinkpad series-Fn+NmLKScroll key (upper right, two functions together)

Lenovo rising sun c series -FN+NMLK key

Lenovo y series -fn+nmlk key

Acer d series -fn+f 1 1 key

Note: Because there are many notebook models, the method of closing the keypad is slightly different, but the method is similar. You need to find the NUMLOCK key first.

There is a number arrow next to the keyboard. You can press this capital switch. The specific operation steps are as follows:

1. Wake up the 26-key typing keyboard in any input box.

2. On the far left side of the 26-key keyboard, click the arrow icon.

3. After clicking the keyboard, the keyboard can be changed into lowercase letters, and the operation is completed.