"Why wasn't I sad when the child's mother just died? Wasn't it said that 'one night brings a hundred days of grace'!" Zhuangzi's tone was a bit sad, "But then I thought about it, life comes from death, she Originating from the inanimate, formless and breathless state, the beginning of chaos, something came out of nothing. It first changed to become breathy, then changed to become tangible, and changed again to become alive. Now it has changed from life back to death, and returned to its hometown. It is not like the sequence of the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. Isn’t it natural? The child’s mother is now lying quietly in this huge room of heaven and earth, supporting her body like a mountain. I am still crying to death, Hui Shi, is this called understanding destiny? ”
The deceased is lying peacefully in the huge room between heaven and earth, but I am sad here, which goes against the law of life. So I stopped being sad. Love and death are the eternal themes of mankind. Zhuangzi expressed his view of love in the atmosphere of death.