Many, many years have passed since the spread of The Book of Songs, but the long years have not stopped people from loving the Book of Songs. Even overseas, it can arouse people's singing, especially in the Chinese world, the Book of Songs has a supreme position, and it can often arouse China people's homesickness overseas.
Why is the status of The Book of Songs so high that it is even inexplicably attractive to overseas travelers? First of all, it represents the essence of China culture and is the cultural root of many people in China. Even now, when many of us are reading the Book of Songs, you often feel the same way, and some scenes depicted in it often bring back many memories.
Especially for overseas Chinese, living in the environment of overseas cultural integration, if they can find the shadow of China culture, they will often be very moved and have a feeling of hometown, so overseas people often have different experiences of time. Of course, I think this is not limited to overseas Chinese. For overseas foreigners, culture is interlinked, which is why we can also appreciate Tang poetry and Song poetry.
This is because cultures are interlinked, and the beauty embodied by cultures is interlinked, so it can be loved and sung by everyone overseas so far, which is also the charm of The Book of Songs itself.