1. Men should bring Wu hooks with them and collect them from the fifty states in Guanshan.
2. A gentleman is lustful but not lewd, romantic but not obscene.
3. The yellow sand can wear golden armor in a hundred battles, and Loulan will never be returned until it is broken.
4. Chibi, Zhou Lang of the Three Kingdoms. Rocks pierced through the sky, stormy waves crashed onto the shore, and thousands of piles of snow were rolled up. The country is picturesque, and there are so many heroes at one time
5. The wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the heroes are gone and never come back.
6. Brocade hats and mink fur coats, thousands of horses riding around the mountain.
7. I would rather be a centurion than a scholar.
8. The ambition is to eat the meat of the Huns when they are hungry, and to drink the blood of the Huns when they are thirsty.
9. Lord Don’t laugh while lying drunk on the battlefield. How many people have fought in ancient times.
10. One man can guard the gate, but ten thousand men cannot open it.