1864 In July, when Tianjing fell, Li Xiu rushed out of the city to protect the young king and got lost in Fangshan in the south. Tired from running for a few days, he wanted to find a place to rest and came to the top of Fangshan Mountain. At this moment, eight woodcutters passed by and asked, "Are you loyal Li Xiucheng?" Knowing that he couldn't hide his identity, Li nodded his head. The woodcutter learned that Zhongjun was in trouble here and decided to help him out of danger. In the evening, they carefully covered Li Xiucheng and went to their residence, Jianxi Village, to hide, and advised Li to cut his hair and pretend to be a monk to keep the eyes and ears of the Qing soldiers. However, in order to keep his "long hair" nature, Li doesn't want to cut his hair.
You must know that one of the woodcutter, Tao, has a bad heart. He wanted to dedicate Li Xiucheng to the Qing government and ask for a reward. So, Tao went to the camp of Li Chendian, the general of the Qing army, to report. When passing through Zhongshan, he was hungry and thirsty, so he walked to the nearby garrison Xiao Fusi. He knew a cook in Xiaojun, wanted to mix some food and drink there, and then he went on his way. Tao told the story of Li Xiucheng in his conversation with the cook. The cook thought it was too important to neglect, so he quickly told a Qin Bing of Xiao Fusi about it and asked him to tell Xiao. Xiao Fusi, a crafty old scoundrel, was overjoyed at the news. On the one hand, he sent people to detain Tao in the name of hospitality, on the other hand, he led 100 cavalry to live in Jianxi village. Li Xiucheng was finally arrested.
Xiao Fusi wanted to take all the credit for catching Li Xiucheng, but the existence of Tao was a curse, so he wanted to kill someone. I don't want the chef to know about it. The cook secretly told Tao and helped him escape by night.
However, Tao did not die. A few days later, seven woodcutter knew that Li Xiucheng was arrested because of Tao's informer, so they caught Tao and killed him. Later, Zeng Guofan, commander-in-chief of the Qing army, learned about it, and he ordered seven woodcutters to be arrested for interrogation. The seven woodcutters are very cultured and have nothing to hide. This, Zeng Guofan never imagined. In order to buy people's hearts, I gave every woodcutter 120 platinum on the spot, and the woodcutter was not tempted.