Clouds turn to rain, snow turns to wind, and nights turn to clear skies. Come to Hongtun, stay with birds and birds. Three-foot sword, six-bow, north of Lingjiang River. The Summer Palace on the ground and the Guanghan Palace in the sky. The two sides of the strait are green with smoke, and the garden is full of spring rain and apricot flowers. The wind and frost on the temple, the guests who left early on the journey; A misty rain, a person was late by the stream.
Along the way, we are different from each other, the old man to Huang Tong. River wind is to sea fog, shepherd is to fisherman. Xiang Yan is poor, Ruan Tu is poor, and northern Hebei faces Liaodong. The pool is full of water and the wind is blowing outside the door. Emperor Liang gave lectures in Tongtai Hall, and Emperor Han bought wine in Weiyang Palace. Worried by dust, lazy to caress the seven strings; Frost is full of temples, shame to see bronze.
Poverty is to wealth, congestion to communication, and barbarism to children. The temples are green to the eyebrows and the teeth are red to the lips. The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the sword bends against the bow. Half a brook is green, and thousands of trees are red. Wild crossing swallows wear willow rain, fragrant pond fish play with the wind. Women have slender eyebrows and a crescent moon under their foreheads; Men are strong and full of pride.
Spring to summer, autumn to winter, dusk to morning bell. Seeing mountains is for playing with water, and bamboo is for pine trees. Feng Fuhu, Ye Gonglong and butterfly dancers are singing in pairs. Double purple swallows bring mud, and several wasps bring honey. In spring, there are warblers in the garden, and in autumn, there are geese in the cold. Qin Lingyun Cross, 8,000 miles all the way; Wushan is washed by rain, and there are twelve dangerous peaks.
Bright and dark, light and thick, wisdom and base. Mirror to clothes, field pestle to village. Flowers are burning, grass is fluffy, and nine summers are three winters. Taiwan Province is famous for playing horses, Xiaolongzhai. Hand-broken crab claws from Bi Zhuo, wearing cranes from princes. The five old peaks are high, and the show is like a jade pen inserted into the sky; Three aunts are big, and the wind and rain are like gold.
Benevolence is right, courtesy is right, and Yu Shun is right. Snowflakes are on cloud leaves, and peonies are on hibiscus. Chen Houzhu, Hanzhong school, embroidered tiger versus carved dragon. The wind in Liutang is light and the flower beds are thick. It is appropriate to see butterflies in spring and smell flies in autumn. When a soldier is honored, he will become brave because of fighting; Yimin's ambition depends on poetry and wine to support carelessness.
The building faces the pavilion, the door faces the window, and the vast sea faces the Yangtze River. Shang Rong is opposite to Zhang Hui, and jade is opposite to silver. Blue cloth curtain, blue oil building, sword against golden urn. Loyal to serve the country, the mouth covers the country. Wang Jie lost his way and killed Pang Long. The autumn rain is raining, and the yellow flowers are full of paths; The spring breeze is blowing, and the green bamboo is full of windows.
If you are right, you will build the right buildings, so your country is also right for other countries. The mountain is against ten thousand waters, and Jiuze is against three rivers. The mountain is crumbling, the water is gurgling, and the drums are racing against time. The breeze gives birth to the wine house, and the white moon shines on the book window In the battle, Jian Ziying on the roadside surrendered. In the summer pond, seagulls are beside the bath; Spring curtain, camp and swallows.
Two baht, only two pairs, from Hua Yue to Xiangjiang River. The car is forbidden to drum, and the fire is blocked. Qingsuo Road, Bi Screen Window, My humble abode vs Zhoubang. The flute is thin and the bells and drums ring. The main book is based on the name of habitat, and the surname of Zhizhong is only Pang. Su Wu shepherds sheep, and snow is often eaten in the North Sea; Zhuang Zhou is alive, and the water must be settled in Xijiang.
Tea is to wine, poetry is to poetry, and swallows are to welcome children. Planting flowers is opposite to planting bamboo, and falling flowers is opposite to gossamer. Four eyes, one foot, and an egret. Half a pool of red lotus, a cup of white tea. A few autumn winds can wait, and a spring rain knows when. Wisdom is profound, and the national scholar swallows the charcoal of deformation; The sheep's virtue is great, and the people in the city stand in tears.
The line should stop, the speed should be late, and the sword should go The letterhead is opposite to the cursive script, and the bamboo slips are opposite to the hair cone. Fenshuiding, Xianshan Monument, Tiger and Leopard Against Bear. Liuli Bi, Shuiyang, a hundred flowers blossom, resplendent and magnificent. Go to a woman's house to visit a neighbor's jujube, and become a wife to grow sunflowers in the back garden. The flute rhyme is harmonious, and the fairy tube has just fallen from the clouds; The fishing boat banged along in the snow.
Against armour, drum against flag, Yan Zi against oriole. Sour plum bitter plum, green eyes bitter white eyebrows. Three flutes, one go, wind and rain against the wind. Begonia sleeps in early spring, and sleeps in late at night. Zhang Jun once wrote poems for Sophora japonica, but Ling Du didn't write poems for Haitang. Jinshi is comparable to a leopard; Tang Confucianism is knowledgeable, in short, it is also a five-turtle.
Come and go, dense to sparse, swallow dance warbler fly. The wind is clear and the moon is bright, and the dew is heavy and the smoke is clear. The frost chrysanthemum is thin, the rain plum is fat, and the guest road is opposite to the fishing rock. The sunset glow is beautiful, and the morning dew is dotted with pearls. In summer summer, guests miss stone pillows, and in autumn, women miss skirts. In the depth of spring, fishermen go to the grass bank; At sunset, lusa went to the shepherd boy's house.
Forgiveness is right or wrong, and beauty is right or fat. Coral is to tortoise shell, and splendor is to pearl. Peach is burning, Liu Yiyi, green is dark, and red is thin. The warbler crows at the window and the swallow flies outside the curtain. Han Zhi Taiping has a three-foot sword, which is a uniform. Sing a poem about the moon, only worrying about the moon setting; Pour the wine to send spring, but regret the spring return.
Sound to color, full to hunger, tiger festival to dragon flag. Huayang to laurel leaf, Bai Jian to Zhu Yi. Dogs bark, swallows fly, swing around, imposing. It's sunny in spring and cold in autumn. He sent an envoy, Feng, to deal with people's differences and the return of other Yin Weng. Yan, my brother, sings; I will be a general, and I will sing for the willow tree.
Liu Yu
No, yes, I am. I am free. The green window is Zhu Hu, and the BMW is a car. Ma Bole, Haoran Donkey and Yi Yan want fish. Jin Qi Bao Shu, Feng Bi Lin Xiangru. Throw away Sun Chuo's golden voice and reply to Dou Taoshu's letter. Did not meet Yin Zong, trapped in Fu Zhilou; Every week, Taigong gives up fishing in Weishui.
The ending is right, the disease is right, and the dwarf brown is wrong. Six Dynasties vs Three Kingdoms, Tianlu vs Shiqu. A thousand-word strategy, eight-line script, if there is a right one. There are no butterflies in the flowers, but diving fish in the algae. Fallen leaves dance with the high wind, and Xiao He's floating water roll is still comfortable. Love to look at people, * * * take Xu Anni vacation as the cover; I'm afraid I'm too stingy, but Ruan Yu did burn the car.
The forest is to the phoenix, the turtle is to the fish, and the internal history is to the Han Dynasty. Plows and hoes are suitable for thunder, while plows and hoes are suitable for suburban markets. Rhino horn belt, ivory comb, husband and wife. Tsing Yi can forgive, and Huang Er can pass books. There are people with short swords by the court, but there are no guests dragging long ropes in front of the door. The waves beat against the boat and the boat people stayed in the water; There are houses all around the mountain, and hermits live in the mountain.
Gold becomes jade, treasure becomes pearl, and jade rabbit becomes golden bird. A lone boat is short, but a wild goose is double. Cross your eyes, twist your moustache, Li Bai versus Yang Zhu. Autumn frost is not limited to geese, but jathyapple crows. When the sun is warm, the flowers in the garden are easy to appreciate, but in the snowy hut, it is difficult to sell wine. People in Lingnan are good at exploring the teeth in the mouth of the giant elephant; Living in Jiangyou, I occasionally catch the dragon's chin and pearls.
Sages are to saints, wisdom is to fools, and women are to Zhu. The name reins are locked, and the name reins are locked with the kettle. Pigeons feed their children, swallows adjust their chicks, and stone tents face the kitchen. The smoke on the shore is light and the wind shakes the court. One side of the eye is an inkstone, and the other side is a three-foot dragon. There are many fish in the swamp, which allow fishermen to cast nets; There are few rabbits in the flat land, but land to the tiller.
Qin is to Zhao, the more to Wu, and the fisherman is to the farmer. Qiu Ji went to paste shoes, and Qizi went to Sang Yu. It's dawn, it's dawn. Reading is sweet, and cooking porridge is precious. Han Xin's military power can be increased in the four seas, and the left foot can be endowed with three capitals. Jia Dun is secluded and suitable for bamboo huts; Win the tour, son. Have sex.
Eight Banners'
The rock faces the cave, the stream faces the stream, and the far bank faces the dangerous embankment. Cranes are long and short, and water geese are short and short. Star Gongbei, Moon Stream, Cold Dew to Downey. Taolin cattle have been released, Yuban Ma Si. My uncle became an official and was widely praised, but my brother was removed by the state. In the spring of March, butterflies dance among peony flowers; At dawn on the fifth watch, the branches of begonia crow regularly.
Clouds turn into rain, water into mud, and Bai Bi becomes a ghost. Give melons and throw plums, and forbid drums and scorpions. Xu Zhi couch, Luban ladder, Phoenix cave to Luan habitat, the official is as clear as water, and no guest is drunk as mud. Only Wen Kan's mother was cut off and only Yang Le's wife was cut off. Look at the beautiful scenery in autumn, and see the geese thousands of miles on the first floor; Traveling in the morning, dreams will scare you to sleep on a rooster.
Bear to tiger, elephant to rhinoceros, thunderbolt to rainbow. Rhododendron to peacock, Guiling to Meixi. Xiao Shifeng, Song Zongji, Distance and Height. In Shui Han, fish don't jump, but birds often live. Willow smoke in pengze county, peach blossoms in Wuling Creek. Childe chasing huan, leisurely step jade qi qi mo; Beauty hates embroidery, and pillows cover boudoir.
Jiang to the sea, Han to Huai, bare shore to. The heron flies to the fish, and the treasure jumps to the golden hairpin. Fish, birds, grass and shoes. Ancient sages have good taste, but a generation likes humor. Meng Xunwen talks about good nature, and Yan Confucius asks for advice. Gently touch the strings, like a flowing warbler; Rows of oblique kite columns. Like geese, they are close to each other
Richness is to thrift, equality is to difference, and cloth is to Chai Jing. Wild geese fly at the fish, while elm blocks the green cliff. Picking women, picking lotus dolls, chrysanthemum diameter to moss step. Poetry with six meanings, music playing eight tones harmoniously. Law-making officials lamented the coolness of Qin law, while bosom friends called it wow. The sky wants to fly frost, and the traffic jam has passed; Clouds will make rain, and many ants will line up in front of the court first.
City to city, alley to street, shabby house to empty steps. Peach branches belong to laurel leaves, and build by laying bricks or stones insects belong to wall snails. Mei is expected, orange is pregnant, and the season is against Gao Chai. Flower wine market, bamboo study. A solitary bamboo can't buckle the horse's head, and the wheel will eventually be buried in Luoyang. Slaughter brocade in the morning and bring the black rhinoceros; Imperial secretary Bao Ji should be Bai Yan's hairpin.
Shi Hui
Increase damage, close the opposite, green grass on moss. Bookmark to the pen, two to three. Zhou Zhaohu, Song Huanxun, Yuen Long vs Penglai. The fast wind gives birth to the pavilion, and the bright moon shines on the balcony. However, the horse abandoned his thoughts and swallowed locusts, and Taizi moved the disaster. Shine on eight barren days, bright and beautiful days and autumn days; Shock hundreds of miles, spring thunder and thunder.
Sand turns to water, fire turns to ash, rain and snow turns to wind and thunder. The book obscenity is against the biography, and the water margin is against the rock. Singing old songs and making new songs, the ballroom faces the stage. It is raining in the pond in Ao Shuang in spring and chrysanthemums are in full bloom in autumn. It is necessary to use salted plum as a spoon to make the wine unforgettable. When the moon is full, you can play according to the Hu bed; Tangyuan blossoms and drums are called "Jiejie".
Rest against resentment, enjoy against misfortune, like a glass of rhinoceros. Palace flowers against imperial willows, pavilions against high platforms. Flower buds, grass roots, moss removal and moss removal vestibular ants are noisy in the rain and sad after frost. Liang Yuannan Window is very proud today. What time does Sun Hongdong Pavilion open? Flat green grass, soft grass in the field; Gao Zhangcui, gloomy and cold in front of the court.
Eleven stitches
Evil is right, false is right, and anti-Kirin. Lu Han to Su Yan, Liu Ju to Zhuang Chun. Five ghosts of Korea, three people of Li, the Northern Wei Dynasty opposed the Western Qin Dynasty. Cicadas sing for summer and warblers sing for spring. The flame of wild burning is red and bright, and the stream waves are wrinkled and sparkling. Go without a trace, live without a house, praise wine virtue; Sometimes, there are hidden festivals, which discuss the god of wealth.
Sadness is joy, wealth is poverty, and friends are guests. Playing the piano is for knot, and daytime is for youth. Golden Emerald, Jade Kirin, Tiger Claw vs Longlin. There are small waves in the Liutang and fragrant dust in the flower diameter. I like climbing mountains and wearing Xie Wei. I got drunk and took off my ceramic towel. The snow is cold and cold, and Song Jun is proud of his age. The wind is warm at dusk, and the garden is full of flowers and willows for spring.
Incense to fire, charcoal to pay, and Japanese view to Tianjin. Zen mind is opposite to Taoist vision, and wild women are opposite to maids. Benevolence is invincible, virtue has neighbors, and mangoku is crucial. The Three Gorges water is surging, and there is a stream of ice flowing in Ran Ran. Fill in the name of the painting pavilion, and Zhang Ziyin is a book gentleman. Dezhi poetry book, thinking into the realm of sages; Forgetting the official position is ashamed of fame and fortune.
Twelve articles
Home country, army to culture, four auxiliary to the three armed forces. Nine classics vs three histories, chrysanthemum vs blue powder. The north sings contempt, the south sings fragrance, and you listen far away. Zhao Gong generals Zhou Taibao and Li Guanghan. Shu people are all dead, and the power struggle has been divided up. Late at night in Wuxia, apes cry and mourn for the moon; In early autumn, geese fly high and stick to the sky.
Yan Zheng saw right smell, and Yan Wu came to write. Sheep and carts drive cranes, and the sun shines that night. Huaming, bamboo writing, Ma Sui Pleasant Goat. Liang is on the mountain and Han is under the tree. Explain clearly Jia Daoyun, sighing Wen Jun when selling wine, and when it is good, several branches in Beiling are like snow; The harvest year is a harbinger, and thousands of hectares of crops in the western suburbs are like clouds.
Yao to Shun, Xia to Yin, and Liu Qi. The mountains are clear to the water, and the five codes to the three graves. Tang Lidu, Jin Jiyun, father Zhongjun. Rain pigeons call women, frost geese call flocks. A heavy drinker, Zhou servant shoots, and the poet is handsome and elegant. The wings of birds have grown, and so has the phoenix; The fox is not fake, and the tiger is really a beast.
Thirteen yuan
You are opposite to Xiu, silence is opposite to noise, and Lu 'an is opposite to Taoyuan. Peng Ying said hello to Yan You sooner or later. Fish jump in the marsh, cranes ride on the porch, and sing their souls drunk. Light dust gives birth to praise, and snow embraces Yuanmen. A wisp of light smoke passed through the grass, and it was raining lightly in Xinghua Village. Wang Tong of Yi Que put forward twelve peace strategies; After going through customs, I wrote five thousand words of morality.
Children to women, children to grandchildren, drug gardens to flower villages. Tall buildings to pavilions, red leopards to mysterious apes. Princess riding, lady porch, wilderness on the plain. Ba can play the harp, and Bo plays well. Rich and fragrant, I thought of the post early, and I hated Wang Sun. Autumn moon, perilla Huanggang cliff; Spring blossoms, Shijia, Jingu Qifang Garden.
Songs are to dance, virtue to elegance, dogs to horses to chickens and dolphins. Longtan is facing the phoenix marsh, and the rain is suddenly facing the clouds. Liu, Men, He Li crying apes. Willow shakes the spring day, plum blossoms in the moonlight and dusk, cold songs are full of knots, and spring is silent. It was late, and Qiu Lai cried and hated; Every spring, birds singing at night will hurt the soul.
Many to few, easy to difficult, tiger to dragon. Dragon boat to phoenix, white crane to qingluan. The wind is blowing, the dew is blowing, and the embroidered hub is facing the carved saddle. Fish swim in the lotus leaf swamp and herons stand on the flower beach. If you have wine, you can use it to satisfy your appetite, but there is no fish. Feng Chuan must play. Ding Gu Mengsong, Ke Ye suddenly gave birth to a belly; Wen Lang painted bamboo with short and long branches.
Cold Zhixia, wet to dry, dew to. The cold felt warms the mats in the morning, and the drinks at night warm the breakfast. Uncle belt, clock has a view, mang to Handan. Jiahe is worried about summer drought, while Yangliu is resistant to autumn cold. Willow green covers the house of Liang Yuan, and apricot flowers cover the altar of Zhongni. The river is very long, surrounded by a green ribbon; The sea toad is full and clear as a white jade plate.
Horizontal to vertical, narrow to wide, black to projectile. Julian is opposite the painting building, and the color threshold is opposite the carved column. Spring will go and spring will come, and the night will stop, and a hundred kings will be against a thousand officials. Huairen said it was plump and beautiful. A good horse king once had bones in the city, but Chu Shi, who ate pigs, only thought about the liver. Two immortals, Guo Tai in the boat and Pan An in Xiahou's car.
Fifteen deletions
Promote waste, attach to climbing, expose grass and frost, sing songs to borrow coach, learn holes and cherish face. Mountain base, flowing water, facing the wall. Ceremony was written by Gong Dan, but the poem was deleted by Zhong Ni. The donkey is trapped in the guest, crossing the water, and the crow has passed the letter. After several nights in first frost, Cang Hong hasn't left the north for a long time. Counting the darkness, is there no mysterious leopard hiding in Nanshan?
Jude is right, extravagance is right, and fog bun is right. The warbler crows the magpie, and the crane fights two blackbirds alone. Cao Jie is facing Huangniu Gorge around Jinma Mountain. Kunshan has only jade collection, while Hepu has pearls. Ruan Ji couldn't be whiter. Old Lessing loved the spots on his clothes. People who live late and avoid the world eat grass and plants; A girl with a good face, gentle and lovely.
Yao Yisong and Liu Yiyan rewarded kindness to punish traitors. Worry about dreams, be smart and worry about stupidity. Kong Beihai, Xie Dongshan, make people, hear about Pu Shang, stay and listen to Yang Guan. The samurai robe is white, and the children's clothes are old and spotted. No one in the hut, dust on the couch; There are guests in the bamboo pavilion, and there is still airflow in the window.