In fact, the content of Guan Yu is very simple. It's about a gentleman's pursuit of a lady. If he doesn't get a lady, he will be upset and can't sleep over and over. When I got a "lady", I was very happy. I asked people to play music to celebrate and make the "lady" happy. The identity of the characters in the works is very clear: "gentleman" is a general term for nobles in the era of the Book of Songs, and this "gentleman" has a considerable position. I am afraid this poem was often interpreted as a "folk love song" in the past. But I'm afraid it's not just any love poem. It turned out to be a wedding song, and it was the man's family that praised the bride and wished her a happy marriage. Many songs in The Book of Songs are lyrical, entertaining and practical, but some poems are not clear about their original purpose, so they are only treated as ordinary songs. Guanju is regarded as a wedding.