Tang xuesheng
The emperor praised the Hu people, who were peaceful and peaceful in all directions, and there were countless plays, so that thousands of strong men were divided into two teams and were famous for tug-of-war. I have a company, I am hemp during the day, I am sewing at night, or I am in the giant rope, I am in the high wheel, I am in the big arch, and I am in thousands of feet. Second, the first thing is that factions divide into veins, connecting people's chests and armpits, and each leads to a strong enemy. Carrying a long line, making progress halfway, is too poor, and you will know the outcome in Youping.
So the soldier Biden, clamoring and vibrating, stood far away from the big chief, probably with his arms. At first, he was angry and strong, but he was afraid of power and prostrated himself. It's all listed in Chen Li, and it's just like plucking hair. Look you in the eye and be brave. Holding Jin Wu's naked purple clothes to kiss the drums, holding white bars to supervise the military and cable the historical battle column. There is no hidden evil in failure, and there is no shelter in victory. If salt swallows the enemy in the chest, cherish moti mustard; It's also like Mount Elbow, where bandits are fighting. Then push, then push, and after three drums, the rope will be straight. Small is not big, allowing a daze. Bulging, Shi Li is not poor. The body is tall and straight, and the curtains are in the wind. The city is in danger, and you are anxious for your country. I fell to the ground, lost my toe and was sweating all over. Yin and blood work, but the face is like Dan, the pulse is swollen and angry, and the body is like eucalyptus. You can throw the sunset across the sky, but you can't touch the axis properly. What cloud was delayed by the enemy, or was it just a stalemate? Don't turn left, don't turn right. The king of Qin whipped Shi Xiangdong, which he could not push; Genius climbs mountains and stands in the west, almost indestructible. The rope will break when it is caught by the servant, but it will crawl instead of returning. Above the doctor, he stopped and forgot to eat. The general went down and became a thunder. Thousands of people, running dust. Take a stone from a mountain, and believe in the greatness of a big country.
Hey, husband, ridicule is ridicule. If you win the game, you dare to ridicule. If you fight, it hurts. From the beginning of a strong man, he believes in his own front. The marking point is strong and the rope is strong. Cowardice is overwhelming, conceited, strong and superior. Controversy is invincible, and the ground beam is pulled out. Tian Zi's teeth are bright and money is scattered. Winners say, "I am the pawn of the king, and I am proud of the king"; The general said, "Take Jia Yong as the first of the hundred cities. Is it just to lead a team? " So the Huns were embarrassed, and they worshipped the merchants again, saying, "If you are a hero, our country will die."