I am here poem

Here I am

Here I am,

ignorant, ignorant,

a new man in the face of the unknown,


I turned my face to the years and the rainy sky, my heart was full of trouble!

I know nothing and can do nothing. What will I say? What will I


How will I use these dangling hands and these feet?

————It guides me like a dream at night?

Words are just noise and books are just pages.

No one but myself. To me, it seems that all of this

this misty air, this fertile farmland,

this tree and these low-hanging clouds

are all talking to me Speak, ambiguously, in wordless words.

The farmer

came back with his plow, and the delayed cry could be heard.

This is the time when the women go to the well.

This is night. ————What am I?

What am I doing? What am I waiting for?

And I answered: I don’t know! And in myself, I long to

cry, or shout

or laugh, or jump and wave my arms!

"Who am I?" There are still patches of snow, and I am holding a catkin in my hand.

Because March is like a woman blowing the green forest fire.

————May summer

and this terrible day in the sun be forgotten, O creation,

I dedicate myself to you!

I don’t know!

Take me! I need,

And I don’t know what, I can cry endlessly

Loudly, tenderly, like a child crying in the distance, like an orphan


The children left alone next to the red embers!

O sad sky! Trees, earth! Shadows, rainy dusk!

Take me! Don't deny me this request!

I am here because of your grace

I am here because of your love

Lord Jesus, I am so grateful, all because of Your abundant grace

I am here because of Your grace

I am here because of Your love

Lord Jesus, I am I am so grateful, all because of Your abundant grace

Thank you Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, thank Jesus

It is only because of Your grace that I can live for You

I Praise you forever