If the night does not leave, the red sun will rise on the sea; When we didn't leave last year, the river looked like spring. The use of these two sentences is also a very difficult thing. The author accepts "sun" and "spring" as symbols of new things, emphasizes the status of the theme, and uses the word "life" to personalize it and give people will and emotion. It is wise to use such words, because the author has no intention to state the facts, but in the description of the scenery, solar terms contain natural truth.
The sunrise on the ocean will be born at night, driving away the darkness. In Jiang Chun, the "spring" of river scenery dispels the ancient severe winter. Not only the scene written is vivid, but also the story is true, which has common truth in reality and brings optimistic and positive artistic inspiration to people.
This poem implicitly expresses sad feelings, that is, it brings isolation in poetry and runs through the history of my classical poetry. In many authors' works, jellyfish and Jiang Chun in the sea have the same feelings, which are similar to the ancient songs of the sea, and reflect the image and atmosphere.
This poem uses personification rhetoric to personify people's will and emotion. Vividly depicts the wonderful scene of alternating day and night.